But before 547 could make any move.

A jade hand stretched out.

"Are you...aren't you confused by that little fox again? Humph...Looking at your expression, I know it's not wrong...Did the little fox say something to you secretly?"

It's only half an hour.

Hua Sanli unexpectedly woke up.

He even lay naked in her arms.

The fairy fox at this time.

There was deep affection in his eyes, and a touch of joy.

When the memory has not yet awakened.

The other party's compassion was something she would never forget for the rest of her life.

Now the other party didn't know how much effort he put into resurrecting himself.

This kind of kindness must be repaid with everything one has.

"You woke up so soon?"

Su Han was extremely surprised.

It's only half an hour.

Is the other party's soul too strong?

Hua Sanli chuckled softly and said: "I have to thank you for the soul spell you gave me. These days of hard work every day have paid off... Now what should you do with me and the little fox outside?"

faced her inquiry.

Su Han didn't know how to answer.

Help Yae Shenzi... The man in his arms must be jealous, and his lips are pouting now.

And if you want to help Hua Sanli.

The chip fox outside will definitely be dealt with miserably.

This can be foreshadowed.

Hua Sanli looked at the extremely troubled Su Han, sat up and breathed softly into his ear: "If you help me... I can train the little fox to be very well-behaved.

At least in front of you.

Don't dare to cause trouble...how? "

"Ahem...how to do this?"

Su Han was a little moved.

You must know that this Lord Palace Secretary is several times more powerful than the Eightfold Divine Son.

If the other party teaches the Eightfold God Son.

You will be blessed from now on.

"Before you say this, aren't you going to do something? She has just been resurrected... When you are weak, you will not resist whatever you want..."


Faced with this kind of flowers.

Please tell me who can resist.

Su Han's eyes turned red upon hearing this.

He picked up the other person and walked inside.

And the laughter like silver bells in the scattered flowers was left in the air.

About an hour later.

In the bedroom.

Hua Sanli lay in his arms and said with watery eyes: "I feel like I have lived on a dog for so long... This is happiness.

Fortunately, I always tried to persuade that guy Xiao Xiang.

It feels so good to have someone love you..."

Su Han didn't say anything.

Instead, he looked at the fairy fox in his arms tenderly.

Run your fingers gently along the other person's back.

The biggest regret before traveling through time has been made up for.

I feel really satisfied inside.

Another ten minutes passed.

After Hua Sanli regained her strength, she sat up from Su Han and said with a wicked smile: "Let the little fox come in now and let me give her a big surprise..."

"Are you sure? You have just been resurrected..."

"It's strange to say that my soul and body are not so harmoniously integrated, but after just being busy for a while, they miraculously integrated.

Forget it, forget about this for now...

I can't wait to see the frightened expression of the little fox.

Hehehe... If you tell her like this, Yae Shenzi will definitely not doubt it! "

Facing Hua Sanli's request.

What else could he say.

Eat and wipe clean.

Just help him, the worst thing is... I'll help him regain his position later.

He didn't speak for an hour.

Yae Shenzi is actually very strange.

It was fine just now.

He seemed to be opening the door for himself, but why was there suddenly no movement?

Just when she was confused.

The private chat started again.

I saw Su Han talking to her.

"There was a little problem when Hua Sanli's soul was fused just now. The fusion was just completed for her, and it's only completed now..."

"Fusion for an hour?"

"Well, Fushe Yaksha's soul hasn't awakened yet. I guess it's because the soul in the flowers is so strong that this happened! However, I feel like I want to truly regain my fighting power.

It will take some time.

After all, it is not easy to adapt to the body (bcfe)..."

Saw these words.

Yae Shenzi's eyes lit up.

"What a great opportunity. If we sneak attack that stinky fox now, she will definitely not be able to resist..."

Thinking of it, she immediately asked Su Han to open the door.

And also make a promise.

Just open the door to yourself.

She will deliver it to your door obediently within a month!

The original agreement has been completed.

Now General Thunder and Lightning is his too, the only thing missing is himself.

Su Han was silent for a moment and warned her: "Don't go too far, and don't irritate Hua Sanli too much... She has just woken up not long ago.

It can't be too exciting. "


Yae Shenzi naturally agreed wholeheartedly.

Then, a hole was revealed in the seal inside the room.

Enough to accommodate one person.

Then Su Han walked out from inside.

He looked at the excited Zai Hu and said with some embarrassment, "Do you really want to go in?"

"Of course, you don't know how long I have been waiting for this opportunity! Now is the best time... Hey, don't come in... This is a secret between the two of us."


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