Coupled with the tragic experience of the people of Yuanxia Palace, it made a decision, and it was also a very rational decision.

Sacrifice yourself to protect the people of Yuanxia Palace.

Did you also find the original battle strange? Why was this guy Orobas so crazy... but so quiet when he died? "

Demon war.

That kind of terrifying level of battle.

But it only left the mark of a knife.

Who would believe that there is nothing fishy in this?

Thunder Movie nodded upon hearing this and said: "As our demon gods, we are very sensitive to the aura. Orobas possesses murderous intent, but... he did not aim at a target.

If you ask for land, just give it to it.

Anyway, there aren’t many people on the Baling Island.

It is impossible to grow crops on the island made of scales. Even the soil was sent by me.

Its kind of abnormal behavior.

How could I not guess it... But, he didn't wait for me to ask.

Orobas did something that I absolutely cannot forgive.

It killed my beloved general: Yuri Tengu Sasa!

Even if he has some hard feelings, I can't forgive him..."

That day, there was thunder and lightning.

Watching Tengu Yuri Sasa die in front of him.

Thunder Movie was furious.

Kill with one sword.

After the death of Orobas, the people of Haiji Island, who were supposed to be vengeful, sent envoys to her.

Want to surrender.

It is precisely because of this.

Thunder movies didn’t kill those people.

Talk about past events.

Lei Xingqing also sighed slightly, Hu Zhai Palace was resurrected, but he didn't know when Yu Yuqianyo would be found.

Even if it's just a ray of remnant soul.

That's enough.

She didn't blame the other party for drawing the sword towards her.

On the contrary, he blamed himself for not being able to suppress his blackened comrades like the Rock King.

When two people are talking.

The sky slowly became clear again.

The thunderstorm seemed to have weakened quite a bit.

Walking back into the flower shop, looking at the two chatting leisurely, he couldn't help but roll his eyes and hummed: "Okay...I work so hard.

But you are here to talk about love! "

"The key point is that I don't know how to seal it. It's useless for you to be jealous, stupid fox..."

It seemed like a conversation.

Then Lei Qian felt much better.

She even joked about it.

Faced with the ridicule from his friend, Hua Sanli said: "Who needs you? What I need is Su Han... There are several seals here that I can no longer seal.

I need to borrow his power..."

"Huh? What happened... Even your power cannot be sealed."

Su Han was a little surprised.

The other party's current strength is stronger than before.

Now it turns out that Orobas’ resentment cannot be sealed?

Isn’t it a bit outrageous?

After hearing this, Lei Jingqing also stopped smiling, looked at the mountains and forests in the distance, frowned and said: "Xie Sui's power is indeed very strong... It seems that she is in trouble..."

"Of course, this place is the place where the power of the evil spirit is the strongest! Even though I am strong, I can also use magic... But, my seal can only seal it for one day.

But it cannot be firmly blessed.

So I thought Su Han had a water spirit bead?

If we borrow the power of that spirit bead, we may be able to expand the power of the seal and completely block the resentment of this loach..."

The scattered flowers come prepared.

She was afraid that this hand would appear.

That's why I took Su Han with me.

The power of the five spirit beads.

Each one has great power.

The Water Spirit Pearl is also the most useful against Orobas.

Su Han nodded when he heard this and said: "Okay... then I'll give it a try..."

"Then you have to work hard. If we seal Loach's resentment, these bones will be our weapon materials... The remains of a demon god will be used as weapon materials.

It’s nice to think about it, right?


She had a good idea.

Now Ina Wife's strength has increased dramatically.

There is also a lack of weapons and armor.

In the past, I did not dare to touch the remains of Orobas because of the aura of the haunted god.

Now as long as the power of evil spirit is solved.

You can't play with this corpse however you want.

The three of them came to a sealed place.

This is located one-third of Orobas's body, and the evil spirit condensed nearby has already dyed the land black.

The nearby Qiuqiu people even turned into dark monsters.

You can imagine what humans would look like if they were in a place like this.

Su Han took out the water spirit bead and began to inject power into it.

Originally ice blue beads.

It suddenly lit up.

The originally black sky.

Directly penetrated by the ice blue color.


Su Hanyu used the spirit bead to fly towards the place where the haunting spirit was the strongest, when it arrived at the dark land.

Countless black smoke suddenly appeared nearby.

All kinds of evil spirits.

were purified one after another.

Hua Sanli's eyes gleamed when he saw it, and he said with a smile: "It is indeed the combination of the power of destroying demons and the pure Yang Yan. It is really powerful when paired with the water spirit beads..."

Power keeps washing over the earth.

Soon everything within a radius of one kilometer was purified.

"It's your turn..."


Hua Sanli's body flew towards that place, and he kept forming seals in his hands!

"Bai Chen's Secret Technique·The Art of Soul Suppression·Nine Transformations Star Shift..."

One method after another.

formed in the air.

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