The difficulty of this task is more than twice as high.

Abedo thought for a while and said: "We don't have to worry, those who have obtained the Kongtong Seal must be waiting for the opportunity... We just need to search nearby.

It doesn’t take long to find people who share our goals.

Just follow them.

We can get inside Juhai's body..."

" can we find it in the vast sea?"

Diluc was a bit confused.

At this time, Beidou said: "What are you afraid of... I have a boat here, you forgot..."

I saw her recruiting gently.

A brand new Death Star appeared in front of everyone.

This is a recently built battleship.

There is no Hailong et al.

But it is equipped with a group of soldiers from the Black Blade Army.

Prepared specifically for the mission!

Now it comes in handy.

Chapter 320 The extremely miserable Di people finally found the Black Dragon King

In the calm sea.

Beidou and others are making constant progress.

Everyone was a little worried, after all, how to find the giant beast in this vast sea.

On board the ship.

Gan Yu closed her eyes and was trying her best to sense her surroundings.

Trying to find the existence of that giant sea.

And so did everyone else.

Suddenly, Gan Yu pointed to the distance and said: "There seems to be a wave of power over there..."


Beidou ordered the crew to immediately turn around.

And Albedo's underwater detector also sent a message.

"There seems to be something approaching quickly under the water, be careful..."

Just saying.

The whole sea suddenly boiled.

It seemed like something was about to appear.

Gan Yu said with cold sweat on his face: "What is this..."

The power of seeing and hearing sex gave her very strong feedback.

There is a terrible smell under the sea.

Come up quickly.

Moreover, that aura is more terrifying than the Uzumaki Demon God! ! !


Within the Zhutian mission group.

The live broadcast is starting.

At this moment, from their perspective, the entire sky turned into darkness.

And the sea began to gush continuously.

Mona: " this the giant sea?"

Zhongli: "Just looking at it... gives people a feeling of oppression. This monster is pretty good..."

Yae Shenzi: "Just the prelude is so powerful, then... Juhai's true face will also come out."

While talking.

The sea surges.

A pitch-black thing leapt up from the bottom of the sea, and the terrifying airflow directly lifted Beidou's ships away.

The volume is larger than Liyue Port.

It is almost the size of four Narukami Islands.

Such pressure.

The people in the group were extremely shocked.

It's so terrifying that the giant sea is such a huge thing! ! !

Lisa: "Hiss... How can there be such a monster in the world... Such a huge body, I am afraid it will be destroyed directly if it hits Liyue Port, right?"

Yae Shenzi: "The so-called Orobas is just a joke in front of this guy."


A huge sea of ​​terrifying mythical beasts.

Its true appearance is so terrifying.

Chen Jingchou and others in the distance were swallowed by the giant sea before they could react.

Beidou and others also responded quickly.

Just put away the Star of Death.

The body is connected with ropes.

Follow the airflow and fly towards Juhai's mouth.

Less than a few minutes.

The screen went black.

Until the light is restored again.

Only then did everyone discover that Beidou and others had arrived in a brand new world.

Within the body of the giant sea.

There was blue light everywhere.

Although not as good as daylight.

But it's not that different.

"'s so beautiful!!! Is this a star?"

Xiang Ling was dumbfounded.

Not only is the sky so bright, there are many stars shining.

Gan Yu took one look, shook his head and said, "No...this is a pearl. It seems that it was made by the Di people living here or the Black Dragon King."

"Now that we have arrived at our destination, let's start taking action..."

Qin looked around.

I think it’s time to start searching for targets.

The sea is so big.

Who knows where the Black Dragon King is?

Abedo said: "Then I will act alone... But don't worry, I will take care to hide my body..."

"Okay, then let's spread out among the rest of us and look for the Black Dragon King first, or we can also find the Di Human Tribe..."

Everyone heard Beidou's suggestion.

They all nodded.

Then, quickly dispersed.

Everyone went their separate ways, while Xiang Ling found a very high hillside and started to take a look.

"Since it is the Black Dragon King, it must be related to water. Instead of searching randomly, it is better to look for a place with lots of water... huh? What is that..."

Xiangling was muttering in her heart.

But I saw a figure moving on an island.

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