"My sister was eaten three years ago. Even if she dies... I will still watch the Black Dragon King die!!!"

Face reminders from others.

The man named Fuchi roared angrily.

Many of his family members were eaten.

This kind of blood feud.

He couldn't sit back and watch.

This time I came with the determination to fight the Black Dragon King to the death.

Even if it becomes food.

He also has to struggle a bit.

I saw someone leading the way.

Beidou said with satisfaction: "That's pretty much it... He's a full-blooded man, unlike others... Huh, he's just a waste..."

Everyone was scanned by her.

They all lowered their heads in shame.

Xiangling was speechless and said: "Beidou... don't ruin all these ingredients. I also want to make a seafood dinner..."

It's almost time for the Lunar Festival.

If only there were these seafood.

I think I can try it with Inazuma's dessert this time.

That's what she planned.

Originally this time I came to the world of heavens.

I have the idea of ​​collecting ingredients.

Now that I have the opportunity, I won't miss it.

Beidou said awkwardly: "Ahem...I forgot about it, okay...I'll leave you the whole body next time...let's go..."


Xiangling uses space magic weapon.

Collect all the shrimps, soldiers and crabs' corpses.

Then he ran forward.

On the other hand, Chen Jingchou also found the Di human tribe.

After all, he is the protagonist.

You can find it by accident.

When he learned that the Kongtong Seal had been snatched away by the Black Dragon King.

His expression was extremely ugly.

"What? Black Dragon King...how could a guy like this..."

[I caught a cold yesterday and today, so the chapters will be slower, but I will work hard to type. I hope everyone will pay attention to their body temperature and not catch a cold] Guang.

Chapter 321 The terrifying Black Dragon King is no longer at the same level of strength!

The Kongtong Seal was taken away.

Not only that, but they are also enslaving the Di human race.

This is completely different from the intelligence he collected outside.

Tarba Yu'er looked at Chen Jingchou and asked: "What should we do now? Kongtong Seal is not here..."

"What else can we do! Find...isn't it the Black Dragon King? There is always a chance to kill him..."

In order to obtain the Kongtong Seal.

Now Chen Jingchou no longer cares about it at all.

Because without this Kongtong Seal, he would have no way to take revenge! !

Just keep moving forward.


At this time, Beidou and others had entered the island where the Black Dragon King was.

This is a water film boundary.

Without the tokens of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, there is absolutely no way to enter.

It will even attract the attention of the Black Dragon King.

Thanks to Fuchi, they knew this secret.

"I have been secretly observing for several years, and I know most of the Black Dragon King's secrets... I hope the heroes will kill this crazy guy directly!

But I don't know what happened inside the seal.

Those monsters regard us as food and are unwilling to reveal too much..."

Looking at the young man who blamed himself a little.

Beidou laughed and said: "It's enough to send us in... Now that we have found this Black Dragon King, we should get to work..."

"Yeah, a sneak attack or something. It doesn't fit in with my "547" style..."

Jean drew her weapon.

Get ready to start solving.

Facing a monster like the Black Dragon King, there is only one sneak attack.

So, she was ready to fight.

Because she has already felt that there are tens of thousands of men stationed in front of the Black Dragon King's cave.

It's impossible to get around it.

The war is about to break out!

"Snowflakes fall...the divine voice shines...Xue Ji is born..."

Kamisato Ayaka began to understand.

The body directly transformed into the royal sister.

The ice in his hand kept spinning.

Xiangling smiled faintly and began to explain.

"The black flames swallow you up, your five senses are deprived, and the shadows walk alone..."

The Zanpakuto wakes up.

A spear condensed in his hand.

"I am the only one who dominates, and my fighting spirit is rampant... Bloom, Valkyrie..."

"My love is deep, my love is bound to last forever, I am devoted to you... wake up..."

"Nightmare sign, hell awakens...the nightmare is reality!"

"Thousands of winds and waves, the ice and snow traveling alone for thousands of miles, the Ice Knight is coming..."

Each and every Zanpakutō awakened.

The battle is about to break out.

The monsters in the distance also discovered something unusual here.

They ran over one after another.

But don't wait until they get closer.

Shen He bent his bow, nocked an arrow, and started shooting.

And Gan Yu is no exception.

The two are sisters, just like a fort.

The blast started.

The frost that filled the sky kept falling down.

Directly freeze all the monsters in large areas.

"There is an enemy attack..."

"Wow...what a terrible attack..."

"My body is in so much pain..."

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