At this time, Qin came to Beidou and said: "Although this Dragon King has recovered from his injuries, his physical strength is still being consumed... We have the opportunity to behead him directly."

"Well, that's what I think too. Let's all come up with any tricks later... I can still hold my swastika for five minutes, so I have to use it..."

Beidou didn't finish his words.

The body launched an attack with thunderous force.

Chen Jingchou and Taba Yu'er also continued to suppress the Black Dragon King.

have to say.

The protagonist is still very powerful.

It's not that difficult for Beidou to fight.

Xiang Ling transformed into flames and followed, even though she didn't know how to understand Swastika yet.

But the power of fruit awakens.

Still very scary.

The endless flames left the Black Dragon King no room to retreat.

"Even if you are exhausted, I will trap you here..."

The first difficult task.

Xiangling didn't want to be held back.

The moves continue to explode.

The siege of so many people.

The Black Dragon King should be defeated soon, but... everyone found strangely that this guy's strength seemed to be endless.

Tarba Yu'er seemed to have thought of something, and said quickly: "This guy ate the Kongtong Seal...otherwise, how could he not be able to defeat it!!!"

"Yeah...the barrier of youth is gone, why should I keep the Kongtong Seal? You will all die today..."

Why did the Black Dragon King fight without the Kongtong Seal for the first time?

That's because he needs the enchantment of youth.

However, the Queen of the Di Human Race broke the formation with her own efforts.

Naturally, the barrier is gone.

In this case, he naturally took off the Kongtong Seal.

Although the combat effectiveness has not increased much.

However, the defense power and recovery speed have all shown a terrible improvement.

Chen Jingchou used the sword technique.

But it was impossible to cut through a piece of dragon scale.

"Damn...what should I do..."

The Black Dragon King cannot be defeated.

There is no way to obtain the Kongtong Seal.

For a moment, everyone fell into a stalemate.

Physical and spiritual energy are constantly consumed.

Although Youqin has been recovering everyone's injuries, she is only a human being, while the Black Dragon King has a divine weapon.

How to fight this?

Rosalin's karma gradually weakened.

Continuous consumption of power.

She couldn't bear it anymore.

As for Yula and Diluc, they continued to attack.

But the armor on his body has been broken a lot.

Accompanied by a tail flick.

The two people fell to the ground one after another.

Diluc continued to vomit blood, and his initial weapon also stopped working.

The two phantoms also disappeared.

Gan Yu and Shen He maintained their violent attacks, leaving the Black Dragon King unable to spare more time to attack everyone.

But it was a protracted and fierce battle.

It also made Fairy Coconut Sheep slowly feel the awakening of the consciousness hidden in the Zanpakutō.

The breath of coldness.

Cover the entire space.

Even the Black Dragon King felt physically uncomfortable.

Ganyu's Zanpakutō is named Xingling.

She can continuously release auxiliary attacks when she attacks.

But there is tremendous pressure today.

But her Zanpakutō awakened.

The so-called swastika.

It is a qualitative change when the soul power is stimulated and improved.

Under tremendous pressure.

This power will awaken quickly.

Gan Yu's swastika is an arrow that tracks automatically.

Unable to dodge.

crack shot.

The arrow was extremely beautiful.

Like a phoenix.

And the same goes for Swastika’s name: Phoenix Wings Tianxiang!

".¨Go me defeat this enemy..."

Gan Yu poured all his strength into this blow.

Although Shen He next to him didn't know how to fight, he knew it was time to fight.

Directly compress the interest rate disaster.

It turned into an arrow and aimed at the Black Dragon King.

"not good!"

The other party's expression changed drastically.

It was obvious that the attack was not simple.

But Gan Yu's arrows and Shen He's arrows had already flown out.

A silver lightning flew away and quickly turned into a phoenix in the air, slamming into the Black Dragon King's body.

Huge ice sculpture.

appear in the air.

That cold power.

Chen Jingchou was so frightened that he backed away repeatedly.

And Shen He's moves also followed.

It seems that he feels the evil of the Black Dragon King.

The disaster was extinguished with a terrifying light.

Bailu's power was stimulated.

It penetrated directly through the Black Dragon King's body.

Seeing that the opponent was injured, Youla got up and shouted: "Go ahead...kill this difficult guy..."

Seeing this, the others launched their strongest moves.

Beidou held on and used Broken Star.

Rosalin and Xiang Ling worked together to create a formation.

And Jean is no longer healing.

Harness the power of the wind.

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