It is enough to prove that there is no problem with character.

Everyone watched He Ran leave.

Didn't ask for any spells.

After all, this is their first time in this world.

There will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

I got a good impression once.

If we meet again.

Just open your mouth.

At this time, Tarba Yu'er also found Kongtong Seal.

"Hey... stupid Aqiu, they really don't want the Kongtong Seal..."

Watching Beidou and others collecting the body of the Black Dragon King.

She couldn't help but ask.

Chen Jingchou nodded and said: "It seems so... Let's go help too. I wasted a lot of energy by killing the black dragon..."


Tarba Yu'er nodded.

Joined the team collecting corpses.

During this period, Beidou and others also received a notification from the All Heavens mission group.

[Ding... Congratulations on completing the difficult level special mission and receiving the mission points reward: 400,000 points. 】

[Tip: The points are divided equally among ten people. 】

[Tip: You can choose to return directly, or you can choose to stay for a while. 】

[Remarks: The time you can stay is fifty minutes. 】

There is plenty of time.

After storing the body of the Black Dragon King, Beidou and others were able to collect all the frozen shrimps, soldiers and crabs.

Although some bodies were shattered.

However, the meat of the crab legs is still very plump.

Can this be wasted?

All must be collected.

Fortunately, the Di people also joined in the busy work, which relieved a lot of the burden on Beidou and others.

On the other side, Rosalin arrived at the Black Dragon King's mansion.

Although the barrier of youth has been destroyed.

But there are many treasures here.

There are hundreds of luminous pearls as big as a fist alone.

They are all mounted on the walls.

These were taken off one by one by Rosalin.

If sold.

It is estimated that one mola is worth almost 200,000 yuan.

Rosalin walked towards the depths of the cave.

She felt that there was more to the Black Dragon King's cave than just that.

After all, they have occupied the Di human race for so many years.

At the same time, he has lived in the belly of the huge sea for so long.

There must be some treasures anyway.

When you get to the depths, you can see the Black Dragon King's habitat.

Rosalyn saw a lot of blood.

This is where the Black Dragon King came back from his injuries. There was nothing valuable in the room.

There is only a bed and some daily necessities.

Rosalin looked for a while and found that there was another room next door.

I don't know if it's because the previous formation was broken.

The Black Dragon King still boasts that no one can enter his cave.

The room next door has no restrictions.

Rosalyn walked inside.

I found many jade slips inside.

"these are..."

She picked it up and found that there seemed to be some secret hidden in the jade slip.

When Rosalin injected power, a message came into her mind.

【Water Pattern Blue Sky Array】

This actually teaches people how to set up a formation!

"Oh my god...are these all things left by the immortals?"

Rosalin looked at the dozens of jade slips arranged on the shelf.

I couldn't help but take a breath of air.

If these are the treasures left by Gu Yue.

I'm just afraid that the profit this time will be more terrifying than I imagined.

There are more than just jade slips in the room.

There are also some chalcedony and rare treasures.

Rosalin didn't dare to think too much and put them away one after another.

As for the Di people?

Since there is no Black Dragon King.

Then they should be able to live well in the belly of the giant sea.

She accepted all these things with a smile.

Collect the treasures in the room.

Rosalin closed her eyes again and took a look to see if there was anything she missed.

When seeing, hearing, and seeing form, one does not perceive anything.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

When we came to the outside world, our stay was just over.

Beidou and others chose to return.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

Seeing everyone's return, it started to get lively.

Hutao: "Thank you for your hard work...This mission is quite thrilling..."

Sugar: "Congratulations on your return..."

Ningguang: "Thank you for your hard work, everyone..."

Maplehara Manyo: "I didn't expect this mission to be so high. It's really thrilling..."

Lisa: "Actually, not really. Have you noticed that the immortal named He Ran has been waiting and watching. He has not chosen to take action...

It wasn't until Rosalin and the others defeated the Black Dragon King that the other party came out.

This person’s strength is unfathomable..."

Hu Tao: "No way? What kind of strength does that bad old man have..."

Su Han: "No... Both He Ran and Gu Yue once saved the world of Tianzhihen. In fact, this description is also missing in the mission. If you can find He Ran.

Letting the opponent take action can actually break the barrier of youth.

In other words... He Ranzai's mission is not that high. "

Beidou: "Damn... If you didn't tell us before, you almost exhausted us to death..."

Gan Yu: "I guess Su Han also wants to use the Black Dragon King to temper us. The intensity of these recent tasks is not high, and they are not as extreme as today.

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