Su Han said with a smile: "Artificial islands cannot dive into the real seabed, they are just suspended on the water. But... our city is truly living under the sea. These scenery are just the beginning...

Our place will be even more beautiful in the future. "

The formation has been stabilized.

The natural next step is to start tidying up the city.

Hua Sanli ordered the soldiers to start cleaning up the mud. With the space magic weapon, this was very simple.

Sanduang, on the other hand, took the lead in choosing a location.

We are preparing to start selecting sites for future subways and R\u0026D bases.

Hutao took Qiqi and Zaoyou to the top of the head to watch the fish.

Now she has become a child queen.

Since I don't have to worry about the business of the Rebirth Hall, I don't have to worry about it myself.

She is very happy every day now.

Su Han went to strengthen the formation.

Bring more help to this underwater city.

Only Lei Shen and Shen He were left, standing in a daze not knowing what to do.

They were too lazy to appreciate the scenery.

But they are not needed for work.

Suddenly, General Thunder looked at Shen He and asked: "When you feel that you can't help him, what do you usually think about? Do you feel helpless..."

"Huh? Why do you ask that..."

"I just feel that sometimes, I am stupid... I can only watch Su Han and the others go about their business, but I can only watch, and I feel uncomfortable..."

In the past, this was how I got along with my sister.

Addicted to martial arts.

If there is a war, take action.

When there is no war, he stays at home and practices martial arts, but... five hundred years have passed since then, and Su Han has broken his mind again.

Now she actually started to have some strange emotions.

Ina Wife has been extremely quiet lately.

No enemies appeared.

This gave Inazuma's Thunder God some other ideas.

Shen He glanced at her and smiled: "Do you think you are useless? You can't be as heartless as Hu Tao, and you can't see through people's hearts like that fox."


The same woman as Su Han.

And has the same personality as myself.

Thor didn't hide his thoughts.

"Actually, you don't have to think like this. I was just like you. I was happy at first, but gradually I felt that I couldn't help Su Han at all except fighting.

He talked to me about it later.

I just realized one thing..."


"Love is something that doesn't require us to change anything. We just need to be ourselves...He likes me, and it's never about what I can do that I can't do myself.

But I am worthy of his love.

Of course, I will love him too...

Even in the face of gods, I dare to take action... Therefore, you are the God of Thunder. Don’t be so anxious, let others do the things you can’t do...

In fact, you have a pretty big heart.

If you don't know how to make a strategy, let Hua Sanli or Yae Shenzi do it...

If you don’t know how to cook, let Xiang Ling do it.

Anyway, there are already so many people around him, so we can just do what we like..."

Hearing Shen He's words.

General Thunderbolt's recent emotions were instantly cleared.

In fact, as a god, she shouldn't feel this way.

But...the magic of love is like this, and it will make you deeply anxious.

Now I have Shen He’s guidance.

Everything is like clouds and mist.


You are the God of Thunder, you just need to do what you can do.

Two hours later.

When Su Han came back, he found General Thunder and Shen He chatting.

The two of them laughed very happily.

They seem to get along well.

"How is it? Is the formation over there reinforced..."

"Well, it's all done! There are sixteen small defensive formations and two large counterattack formations. That's it for the time being. We are running out of materials.

If no large monster attacks.

This is enough..."

He looked at General Thunder and Lightning who was in a happy mood and asked: "What did you just talk about? You are so happy..."

"This is a matter between us women. Okay... I should go back to practice. I leave this place to you... Shen He, do you want to come with me?"

"my pleasure."

General Thunder and Lightning slashed through the space.

The two left side by side.

Su Han was stunned for a moment. Could it be that... the general wasn't satisfied yesterday?

Therefore, there are signs of great success.

No way....

Chapter 330 Group leader reward: Blue Water Dragon Ball, start to plunder the world of Inuyasha

While Su Han and others were busy building an underwater city.

In the copy of Inuyasha's world.

But a major sweep occurred.

You must know that the people who follow Su Han all practice domineering spirit.

It can even be said that he wants to become a soldier on his own.

You also have to learn to be domineering.

Otherwise, you can only continue to exercise in the boot camp.

Kaia led the army and marched directly to the east. The people he met along the way directly told them that they were conquered.

Those who dare to resist.

Just show force.

Of course, the obedient people will get food.

"Oh my god...this...this is simply divine food, so delicious..."

"At first I thought they were bad people, but I didn't expect that they would give us food..."

"Woooooo, I haven't had such good food for a long time..."

Look at the people who were moved to tears.

The soldier said to him: "After you have eaten, you can pack your bags and go to the fairy world with us... There is food everywhere..."


“It’s so good!!!”


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