Otherwise, wait and fight later.

I'm afraid I don't have that much time to evolve.

The arrows of the Heavenly Master and the arrows of the Heavenly Lady.

Two teenagers have been targeted.

Look at the brilliant and bright moves.

Everyone swallowed.

Guangzilang asked with some worry: "Is everything going to be okay... The power of that bow and arrow can kill even a vampire monster..."

"Don't worry, it's absolutely fine. Please believe me..."

Qin's words gave the children infinite courage.

Only two beams of light were visible.

They fell on Taiyi and Ahe in no particular order.

Divine Plan.

Absorb it and start super evolution directly.

"Agumon's ultimate evolution...BattleGreymon!!!"

"Gabumon's ultimate evolution... SteelGarurumon!!!"

Under the dazzling light.

Two ultimate beings were born.

BattleGreymon is covered in golden armor.

It looks very powerful.

The same goes for SteelGarurumon.

Cold metal blade.

Just looking at it has a powerful oppressive force.

"Success!! We have the ultimate body, and we will definitely be able to defeat the resurrected ultimate blood-sucking monster..."

Tai yelled at first.

But Qin poured cold water on him directly.

"No...this vampire monster has absorbed countless resentments to fight. With these two Digimon, it is no match at all, but...

Don't worry.

We will help you. "

Hear her words.

Ahe said in shock: "Are the ultimate blood-sucking monsters really that powerful? We have two ultimates and we can't defeat them..."

"Of course, kid...you will know the power of the Ultimate Body in a moment. There are only the last ten minutes, and the opponent will appear soon...

Get ready for battle. "

Hu Tao's soul.

Already in front of everyone.

She was surrounded by six lovely flame souls.

Seeing the children, these flame souls even made funny faces.

"Wow...it's actually a ghost!!"

"Don't be afraid, they are not ferocious monsters...hiss, they are so hot..."

Taiyi is naturally not afraid of ghosts.

He even wanted to catch the Flame Soul.

However, the other party's temperature scalded him.

Hu Tao suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahaha... My flame soul is very hot. Children, please don't touch it casually..."

"Slightly, slightly..."

The flame soul then showed a grimace (standard definition)

Everyone immediately laughed.

On the other side, Qin ordered the other children: "When you and Zilali stand together, the battle will be very fierce. Remember...

Don’t be reckless when you go! "

"Well, we know...Sister Qin."

Jia'er and others nodded.

The two Dilu beasts played together.

Among them, Su Han's Digimon asked the other party: "How did you become a complete body?"

"It's because of the badge..."

"Badge, ugh... I don't know how I should evolve. I seem to have turned into an angel beast like you..."

"Don't worry, I remember... Koushiro once said. As long as there is light, we can evolve..."

The other person’s words.

It seems to have given Dilumon some inspiration.

At this time, a dazzling red light came from the distant sky.

With countless filthy storms rising.

The vampire monster finally woke up.

The ground shook.

A whirlpool storm also blew up in the sky.


Accompanied by a terrifying shock wave.

The two buildings closest to the monster were directly destroyed.

Then, an extremely terrifying figure slowly rose from the ground.

Red armor.

A ferocious face.

Gives people endless pressure.

The children gasped.

"Is this its ultimate form..."

"It's really scary. No wonder Sister Qin said that she can't beat the two ultimates. It's simply too scary..."

"This huge body can kill us with just one blow!"

Everyone looked frightened.

The ultimate blood-sucking monster began to roar.

"I'm going to kill everyone..."

The red air wave rose again.

The ground turned into a polluted blood red.

His strength actually improved again.

Chapter 340: Dilumon’s Holy Light Evolution, the Demon King-level ultimate body is too scary

The resurrection of the ultimate vampire beast.

It puts a lot of pressure on children.

What they thought was the ultimate body.

At most it's the same as BattleGreymon.

Is a strong individual.

Most majestic.

As a result, the size alone far exceeded the Demonmon that absorbed the Demon Gear~.

The breath escapes.

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