Let your child's Digimon gain temporary power of Holy Light.

"Come in, my children...the Light will protect you..."

The other Digimon launched their special moves one after another.

As a result, the attack actually had extra attack power.

"Harpoon cannon..."

"Flower Fairy Cannon..."


One trick after another.

Bombarded the ultimate vampire monster.

Leave a trail of black marks.

If the previous moves were all about scraping, then the current move can be said to have caused some damage to it.


Countless rays of light.

Erupted from the body of the ultimate vampire monster.

The Digimon dodge.

Nearby buildings collapsed completely.

The battlefield continues to expand.

Ahe's father drove a car, carrying Hutao's body and constantly dodging.

The attack went well though.

However, the ultimate vampire monster is also adapting to its own body, and its attacks are becoming more and more frequent.

From the beginning it was just about releasing light.

Now it starts to release shock waves frequently.

Hu Tao couldn't even get close.

"Damn...how can this stinky guy be so strong!"

It was originally thought that pure Yang Yan could cause damage.

She was still a little happy.

Now it seems that the trick just now works.

But there is still some scraping.

Qin in the distance did not launch any more attacks from the beginning, but continued to gather strength.

Because she understands.

Simple moves cannot affect the ultimate blood-sucking monster at all.

It's better to unleash the strongest attack and see what happens.

Watching the Digimon constantly fighting.

Su Han's Dilu beast walked up to Zilali.

"Don't cast those auxiliary spells on me. You can't get close to me in my current form. I have to become a complete body..."

"How can I help you?"

The jigsaw puzzle is also Su Han's pet.

It is still very gentle when facing Dilumon.

Seeing the other party's appearance, she understood that this little guy must have thoughts on evolution.

I saw Dilumon saying: "The Dilumon just said that evolution depends on the badge, and the power of the badge is the power of light... I want you to use the remaining power.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

All injected into my body. "

Digimon Evolution.

Sometimes an opportunity is needed.

If you get close to the light, you can evolve into the holy type.

If exposed to darkness before evolution.

It will become dark type.

Therefore, Dilumon was thinking about what would happen if Zlali temporarily injected all the holy light into her body.

So what will change?

The evolution of Agumon.

He often played with Hu Tao and was fed flames before he achieved complete evolution.

But Zlali has always been in Mondstadt.

Naturally she was out of reach.

So Dilumon felt that it lacked a catalyst.

If there is a medium.

It can evolve naturally.

Zilali thought for a moment and said: "I can only give you 70% of my power, and the remaining 20% ​​must be enchanted by other Digimon and kept for myself..."

"Okay! Come on..."

Dilumon has made up his mind.

Absolutely no soy sauce today.

Or seriously hurt yourself.

Or evolve.

She doesn't want to embarrass her master! ! !

The next moment, Zlali's body burst into bursts of light.

That dazzling light.

..... ... ...

Even the ultimate vampire monsters in the distance discovered her presence.

"Light? Humph... What I hate the most is light..."

A black arrow locked on Zilali's body and flew away from his stomach.


This arrow is fast.

Hu Tao at the rear had no time to help stop him.

"Be careful...tangram!!!"

The BattleGreymon in the distance tried to block it with Gaia energy cannon, but in the end it was a little slow.

And Dilumon was overwhelmed by the light.

It will burst out with stronger power.

The originally oppressive darkness.

It was constantly being purified.

"Dilmon Super Evolution!!!"

Clear light.

Born from within her.

The originally small cat finally turned into a beautiful girl with long legs.

However, this Celestial Beast is fundamentally different from Jiaer's Angel Beast.

Although her body has feathers.

There are even wings.

However, his body was shrouded in countless light-cast armors.

Her long golden hair fluttered in the air.

A pair of jade legs were wrapped in silver stockings.

Wearing a pair of exquisite crystal shoes on her feet.

At the same time, the left hand is a shield and the right hand is a radiant sword.

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