Then, SteelGarurumon will attack.

"Well done, Walnut...your flame soul has done a great job!! Steel Garurumon activated absolute freezing energy..."



With the strong wind coming.

The frost spread to the entire body of the ultimate vampire monster in an instant.

Because of being frozen.

The moves were also interrupted.

Zilali saw this and enchanted all the Digimon again.

"Attack children, let the light destroy the darkness..."

"Here he comes!! Launch his special move..."

"Explosive hammer..."

"Flower Fairy Cannon..."

One terrifying attack after another headed towards the abdomen.

Angelmon also condenses the divine power into its fist.

Just punch away.

MechaGreymon joins in using the Ultimate Death Missile.

Two celestial beasts, one on the left and one on the right.

Directly explode the strongest power.

At this time, Hutao arrived on top of the ultimate vampire beast.

Six flame souls gathered in her hands.

"Go's all in this one blow!!!"

All the power is concentrated on the Zanpakutō.

"Jama Hell!!!"

Kurumi activates the Zanpakutō's Shikai ability for the first time.

The ultimate blood-sucking monster that originally wanted to resist fell into a state of confusion.

However, it broke free from the illusion in just two seconds.

However, the attack came in an instant.

Masters compete with each other.

Every second is fatal.

What's more, he was lost for two seconds.

The fire of hell karma breaks out.

This is the hidden weapon given by Rosalin.

And Qin also used all his strength.

"Hammer of Holy Light!!!"

An extremely huge hammer severely suppressed the ultimate blood-sucking monster from above its head.

Make it unable to move at all.

"No...I won't kill you, no..."

All attacks came one after another.

In fact, when restoring the arm.

The ultimate blood-sucking monster is already consuming physical strength.

Now we are under constant attack.

It instantly exceeded its endurance.

A move with the power of holy light.

Make it extremely painful.

The power of the undead.

Most afraid of divine power.

There just happened to be one more angel.

There are also several people with strange powers.

With the constant crushing of moves.

The body of the ultimate vampire monster finally fell to the ground.

Chapter 342: Generous rewards from the modern world, Su Han wants to become a TV station

The huge body fell to the ground.

Countless smoke and dust splashed up.

Seeing the ultimate vampire monster fall to the ground, the children cheered.

Hutao and Qin also showed happy expressions.

"It's finally over... As Brother Su Han said, although the task is a bit difficult,... it can be completed easily!"

"The main thing is to rely on two Ultimate Digimon to fight. Otherwise... it would be a bit of a dream to defeat this guy with just the two of us."

In fact, except for the two ultimate bodies.

Angelmon and two Celestial Beasts also provide powerful counterattacks.

Three sacred Digimon.

Coupled with the power of holy light condensed by Qin.

There is also support from Zlali.

Only in this way can the ultimate vampire monster be defeated.

With the end of the battle.

The prompt sound of the All Heavens Mission Group also appeared in front of the two of them.

[Ding... Congratulations on completing the difficult level special mission and receiving the mission points reward: 300,000 points. 】

[Tip: Points are divided equally between two people. 】

[Tip: You can choose to return directly, or you can choose to stay for a while. 】

[Remarks: The time you can stay is one hour. 】

I saw that the stay was not short-lived.

Qin is going to search for the treasures in this world before going back.

She came to the children.

Was about to say something.

The clouds and fog in the sky slowly dissipated.

The starry sky unfolds.

It shocked everyone.

Because the reflection of the Digimon world actually appeared in the sky.

At the same time, it is still twisted.

"This...what the hell is going on!!!"

Yagami Taichi was extremely panicked.

He didn't think so.

The world will become like this.

Everyone also showed frightened expressions.

And Qin comforted him: "Don't panic... This is the work of the Four Dark Kings. About what happens next, this is how..."

Five minutes.

She told everyone roughly what happened next.

Also expressed.

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