"My name is, Ming..."


Black Feather.

Wiped it along the face.

The blazing thunder and lightning directly caused deep blood stains to slide out of his face.

Blood drops kept dripping.

"You still have thirty seconds..."

"My name is Totosai, and I am Inu Admiral's retainer. I heard that my wife remarried and led the West Country to Fairyland, so I came here to have a look... I really don't have any ill intentions."

"Oh...it seems you are the legendary swordsmith?"


"Well, from now on, you are under my control. You are our Daozuma craftsman. Don't worry about the reward. You will definitely be satisfied, and you will also be given treasures to extend your life and increase your strength.

Of course you don't have to go...at what cost.

I think you should know. "

When facing Kujo Sora.

Totosai nodded quickly.

He understood that the woman in front of him was the Tengu General rumored among youkai.

Belonging to Thor's confidant.

Terribly powerful.

Not long ago, a big monster-level being challenged this woman.

As a result, he was killed in one move.

The grass on the graves is now very tall.

After recapturing Totosai, Kujo Sura told Su Han the news.

"Well, I understand... Then it seems that Fairy Ling Yue's son is coming soon. Since 563 is like this, let me go over there... Speaking of which, the other party still has some strength.

Being able to conquer it is a good help..."

Compared to Inuyasha.

Su Han liked Sesshomaru even more.

Have courage.

Smart enough.

It’s just that now I am confused by my obsession.

Therefore, the strength cannot be used at all.

If the Explosive Fang in the body is activated, this person's fighting power may be even more powerful than Kujo Sanra!

After all, that infinite breaking power.

Still very interesting.

Less than ten minutes.

Su Han arrived at the Maple Village base.

Monsters keep entering the space gate.

The people stationed nearby are also much stronger.

A mine was even dug not far away.

Resources are constantly being transported to the world of Teyvat.

Su Han nodded with satisfaction and then flew to the office.

"Sir, you are here...are you okay with the arrangement outside?"

"Yes, it's done very well... I'll ask Kamisato Ayaka to replace you after a while. I guess the dog demon will come over in a while and give me a shoulder massage!"

"Yes, sir..."

Kujo Sora took off his shirt and armor.

Place the master's head in front of you.

The little hands massaged slowly.

This is what she learned from the witches.

Specially used to serve Su Han.

Look at the other person's expression of enjoyment.

Kujo Sora showed a smile.

The master can accept himself.

To her, that was the ultimate honor.

Su Han only enjoyed the massage from the two of them when he heard the sound of fighting coming from outside the base.

He opened his eyes, stood up and said, "It seems this guy has arrived..."

The words just fell.

Totosai's persuasive voice also came from outside.

"Young Master, please stop making trouble... This is not something you can get involved in. Leave quickly, otherwise... the adults inside will be angry, and you will be in trouble..."

"Hmph... these are my people, why can't I control them! Get out of my way... Totosai."

Sesshomaru's face was filled with frost.

His eyes were full of blood.

Mother remarried.

It was simply his greatest shame.

Moreover, the opponent also gave up the monsters from the West Country.

This is what he thinks of his father, King Douya.

Chapter 348 About the Little Lucky Grass King, the dog demon whose dignity was completely crushed

The angry Sesshomaru pushed away the well-meaning retainer.

Fly towards the city.

However, not before Sesshomaru could approach.

A black feather flew from the building below.


The air was pierced by thunder.

Sesshomaru reacted quickly.

I waved my hand to stop him.

Now he doesn't fight ghosts and gods, and he doesn't have Bakuro.

The only weapon is the natural tooth.

Unfortunately, it is still a knife that cannot kill people.

Therefore, what he can do is condense the demonic power into a whip.

Shoot down the incoming feathers.

But unfortunately, his demon power was too immature in front of the Tengu General Kujo Sora.

All actions are seen through.

call out.

His arms and shoulders.

All were pierced.

Blood spilled from the sky.

Sesshomaru looked at his wounds with an expression of disbelief.

It was obvious that he had blocked it.

But why is this happening...

He couldn't believe it.

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