I don't know how terrifying the real strength is. "

"Do you want me to be someone else's dog?"

Sesshomaru said hoarsely.

Well...this bitch still maintains his arrogance.

The key is what are you proud of?

Do you have capital?

Seeing his appearance, Totosai didn't bother to say anything.

He is now determined to be Su Han's servant.

Follow these strong men.

But his glory.

"Now that you've made up your mind, I'm leaving... Just take care of yourself. The other party is a god, so you have to be careful when speaking..."

These were Totosai's last words.

It is also the words of a loyal minister.

From then on, he was Su Han's swordsmith.

Create special equipment for Inazuma and high-end talents from three countries.

It can be said that there are talents like Totosai.

Needed everywhere.

Ordinary blacksmith.

There is no comparison with him.

Sesshomaru looked out the window lonelyly, not knowing what he was thinking.

In short, it’s just a bad mood.


Su Han was in the room, watching the summary sent by Gan Yu.

These two days were due to the appearance of television stations.

As a result, the income of various countries increased.

However, other countries have also discovered business opportunities.

And I want to promote it through TV stations.

And the price is also very high.

For example, Liyue’s neighbor Xumi Kingdom.

Then businessmen and scholars came to the door.

The former wants to promote Xumi's products.

The latter wants to recruit some new members through the TV station.

Because Xumi has some temporary problems.

This has also led to many strange policies in the current country.

Although it is not that the people are in dire straits.

But it’s not that different.

Scholars have largely disengaged.

There is also the emptiness of the Sumeru Order.

It has caused a huge headache for the entire country.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

Ningguang: ".¨It seems that Xumi can't sit still... It should be those scholars and businessmen who spread our program back to their countries..."

Gan Yu: "That's for sure. Although TV stations and televisions can only be used in our country, there are many people in Sumeru in China who want to spread the news.

Still very relaxing. "

Youla: "This is obvious. Today, Liyue has convenient transportation. After drastic reforms, it is basically the most comfortable country to live in...

How can Xumi compare with you..."

Lisa: "Then what should we do? Su Han..."

It is actually possible to contact Xumi now.

However, she does not want to promote scholars.

Because, that place is the Xumi Temple.

The taste has long since changed.

Su Han: "By the way...what does the Grass God look like? Can anyone explain...As for that, publicity...advertising can be done! But advertisements for scholars cannot..."

Rosalind: "You are a scholar who is afraid of Sumeru. Come into contact with the abyss...could you become the next Kanria?"

Su Han: "Yes! There is a saying that geniuses are sometimes madmen, and madmen... you know... are irrational!!!"

Some geniuses consider themselves artists.

But Su Han definitely disagrees.

Excessive academic research.

Just like Kanria's endless research on technology.

The final result is that they will all die miserably.

Therefore, he felt that... he could advertise to businessmen, but he would definitely not let scholars spread.

However, I want to join my own camp.

It's good to accept your own management.

(Hello, King Li) in the chat among everyone.

The Deals Store has been refreshed.

Beidou: "Hey... It's been refreshed. The special store has been refreshed... Come and take a look at the treasures this time!"

Gan Yu: "Curious!!!"

Yae Shenzi: "I hope it is a treasure that is useful to us..."

Ningguang: "I'm just looking forward to something like a dungeon door. This kind of thing is much more comfortable than treasures..."

Zhongli: "I can't comment on the current Grass God, but... he is a very interesting person. You will know it when you meet him... However, he can endure not coming to Liyue for so long.

I didn't expect it... As for the name..."

Yae Shenzi: "I know... Sumeru's grass god is named: Little Auspicious Grass King... Hahaha, Su Han, you will definitely like it very much if you see it."

Kamisato Ayaka: "How can I say...Isn't this god very cute?"

Zhongli: "Well...there's something cute about her, after all...that's her name."

Yae Shenzi: "Okay, let's focus on the special offer. Let's talk about Sumeru's matter later. That little Lucky Grass King is probably as encouraged as Kage."

In Sumeru knowledge is a kind of resource grave.

It's not something anyone can touch.

Moreover, casual touching is also a violation of the law.

There is even a risk of death.

Therefore, the Eightfold Divine Son did not understand whether it was those sages who advocated all this, or whether it was the Little Lucky Grass King himself who was pushing it.

Chapter 349 The super treasure in the special area, the World Tree of Kelpat

For the Grass God of Sumeru Kingdom.

Everyone has the same idea.

As long as the other party doesn't look for trouble.

If she comes to cause trouble, the three gods will teach her how to behave.

The same is true for Xumi Guo.

Be obedient and obedient.

Then everyone can conduct normal trade.

If you are like the fools.

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