The other party also slowly opened his eyes.

"You've been awake for a long time?"

"No... I just woke up, and I was afraid that the dream would be broken. It wasn't until I saw you that I realized that this was not a dream... This feeling is so good, but it's a pity that it can't last long..."

Immortal Fairy Ling Yue looked sad.

Just afraid after today.

I want to accept your kindness.

Don't know how long it will take.

Su Han stroked the other person's face and said: "Actually, you can go back to Qunyu Pavilion with me. The cultivation speed there is very fast, and... it will also be helpful to you.


He didn't finish his sentence.

Then she was held down by Immortal Fairy Ling Yue.

"I know what you mean, but...the clan members just came over and they have to settle down for a while. Just come and see me when you have time!"

She is a smart woman.

Although Sesshomaru turned her into a sinister girl with a loving mother and a filial son.

However, Immortal Fairy Ling Yue is not a bad woman.

It just lacks the nourishment of love.



Good looks.

It's just that they look down upon humans.

But... could this be Immortal Fairy Lingyue's fault?

In that world hundreds of years ago, humans were just food.

Do you want her to show respect and tenderness to food?

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

Naturally it is impossible.

Now he has a relationship with Su Han.

He turned into a kitten in a matter of seconds.

The two of them were affectionate for a while.

Su Han left because the task in the group was about to be refreshed.

The twenty-eighth mission is about to begin.

As the omniscient and omnipotent within the group.

He must go back and take charge in person.

If you fall into the land of gentleness now.

I'm just afraid that Thor will die of acidity.

People let him out because they thought no one was more charming than themselves.

Therefore, Su Han also had to restrain himself.

Immortal Fairy Ling Yue stood in front of the palace, watching her husband leave.

Then he told the people around him: "Announce that 70% of the elites will be sent to the shogunate...the rest will stay for training! And...follow the master's instructions.

Construction of Qinglai Island began.

This will be our home.

Now that there are no thunderstorms, we have to cultivate land and plant crops... We can't let others look down on us. "

"Yes, ma'am..."

"Also, the surrounding area must be built according to the style of the West Country. The streets... palaces and tribes must be neat and orderly and cannot be built randomly!"


Fairy Lingyue wants to turn Qinglai Island into a scenic spot.

..... ... ...


The gathering place of monsters will become a gimmick.

Not only can you make money, but you can also integrate with the world.

Now the tribe is safe.

She can naturally relax.

Wait until everything is on track.

It's time for her to enjoy happiness.


At this time, in the shogunate's military camp.

Inuyasha was knocked down for the tenth time.

Unable to use the power of the elements.

The practice of domineering has not entered the second stage.

This made him extremely uncomfortable.

"Damn it...I don't accept it, strength is obviously more than this..."

A proud heart.

Completely shattered.

However, Inuyasha's enemies would not give him a chance to vent.

Such is the training of the shogunate.


Just don't admit defeat.

The fight will never stop.

And this kind of venting is of no use.

But just when the attack was about to hit the Ergouzi.

A whirlwind enveloped it.

Accompanied by verdant light.

In Inuyasha's waist, a wind-type God's Eye was born.

"Huh? God's Eye... People from this other world actually have such talents..."

I wonder if it was the Eye of God that inspired his potential.

Or whatever.

Inuyasha's Haki actually entered the second stage directly.

At the same time, the sword blade in his hand was swung violently.

A terrifying sword energy.

He defeated the boss who had been crushing him for days.

"Hahahaha...I actually gained the power of the wind element. Sure power is still strong!!!"

Everyone looked envious.

Although the Eye of God is no longer that important to the strong.

But gain elemental power.

You can still improve your own strength!

When Su Han arrived at Qunyu Pavilion, the news also reached his ears.

"Ha... not bad, by the way... arrange for Inuyasha and Sesshomaru to meet, it's best to stimulate them... and give the iron broken teeth that I unsealed to Kujo Sora.

Tell her who can kill the dragon bone spirit in the shortest time.

Whoever can get this knife..."

Swirl the fire.

No one is stronger than him.

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