Everything was moved out.

Instead, there are a large number of weapons and specially trained soldiers!

"Well... I can indeed bring it in, huh... This is my Ningguang's true strength."

She sat upright on the suspended chair.

Showed an elegant smile.

Chapter 352: With the intervention of the admiral, who is the real prey?

Keqing was dumbfounded.

"Uh... this... isn't this Qunyu Pavilion? How could this happen..."

It's obviously a building from the world of Teyvat.

Why can it be carried into this world.

She really couldn't understand it.

Ningguang smiled and explained: "Don't you think this is awesome? Well... the principle is actually the same as Beidou's ship, since the vehicle can be taken to another world.

So why can't my weapon?

This jade pavilion is my weapon! ! ! "

Maplehara Manyo next to him suddenly realized.

It feels like this is possible!

Xiang Ling was shocked and said: "Then can each of us carry that kind of technological weapon to fight, for example... everyone carries a terminal machine.

Encountered enemies.

Is it solved with a bang? "

"Please... you'd better stop dreaming. Let's not talk about the final cost. We can't move the heavy body alone."

Keqing couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Even the devil can stop the ultimate machine.

The lethality is indeed great.

But how do you carry it?

Diluc said: "If we do the task like that, our strength will never be improved. The only thing we can really rely on is the sword and strength in our hands.

That is our confidence. "

If we just rely on those immortal soldiers and artillery.

Sooner or later there will be a day when you can no longer cope with the enemy.

And it will be difficult to regret it at that time.

Therefore, Diluc has always believed that his own strength is the most important.

Maplehara Manyo nodded and said: "That's true... However, let's focus on today's celebration. The battle has already started..."

It was night.

And Huadu is full of lights.

Of course, if it weren't for the darkness... people here would have discovered them long ago.

The territory of Yonko Kaido.

But there are many soldiers patrolling.

And now their arrival would not be fun if they were discovered by those secret whistles.

Auntie's territories are scattered.

Therefore, it is very convenient to fight.

But there are no such islands here.

Wano Country is a base camp.

There are enemies everywhere.

"Yes, let's go... Target Ghost Island..."

Everyone flew towards the suspended island.

But on the way, he was discovered by Kaido's soldiers.

After all, it is an animal-type fruit.

Although it is man-made.

However, he also possesses superhuman hearing and vision.

So it's not surprising to find it.

"There are additional enemies. They are not the Straw Hat Boys, but they are not our people either. Let's fire..."

Click click click.

Countless cannons were aimed at the sky.

I saw a roar.

Dozens of artillery shells came towards Qunyu Pavilion.

Ningguang's eyes widened and he shouted: "The power of heaven collapses..."


Dozens of golden stones collided directly with the cannonballs.

Will all explode.

All blocked.

Xiang Ling smiled coldly, and his fist burst into flames, blasting downwards.

Huge flames.

Submerge those members of the Beast Pirates.

Just a moment.

There was no sound from below.

completely annihilated.

"The battle in the distance has broken out, we need to speed up..."


The speed of Qun Yu Pavilion is increased.

Astonishing thunder has erupted from the rooftop of Onigashima.

The collision of overlord color and overlord color.

Completely torn apart here.

However, Luffy's previous attack had already cost him everything he had.

Although on cake island.

I was told that the overlord color can be entangled.

However, true realization is very difficult.

A "Return to the Third World·Introduction to Naraku" directly sent Luffy flying away.

Kaido looked at the others and said with a ferocious smile: "Want to challenge the power of the Four Emperors? You are worthy enough...get out of here!!! The Great Weed Thunder Gossip..."

Zoro, Kidd, Law and others.

All were blown away.

Because there is no help from the aunt.

Therefore, Kaido of the Hundred Beasts was not careless and directly used all his strength.

Zoro vomited blood.

And this is even more true for Luo and Kidd.

Several bones on their bodies have been broken, especially Kidd... whose abdomen was almost shot through.

"Ahem... Is this the power of the Four Emperors? It's still too strong... Even the awakening of the fruit is useless!!!"

Just now, when they arrived at the scene.

Kidd used the fruit to awaken on his own.

However, the results have been few and far between.

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