As he spoke, countless branches and petals spread from his body.

He chased Luffy in the distance.

As a big fan of Akainu.

He didn't feel any guilt.

The pirates are coming for him.

It must be grasped.

As for the means?

Haha, that kind of thing...he doesn't care!

See Green Bull in action.

Ning Guang snorted coldly: "While I'm here...where else do you want to go? Fire..."

Ten elemental cannons.

Aimed directly at the green bull.


The beam of light exploded away.

Feeling danger coming.

Green Newton was so frightened that he stopped. He had a feeling that as long as he dared to take another step forward.

He will definitely die miserably.

And that's exactly what happened.

The weird artillery fire bombarded the Ghost Island, and a horrific explosion suddenly erupted.

"Hey...this is a bit of a foul. You actually used this kind of weapon. If you get hit, it will be uncomfortable...〃~"

A flash of cold sweat flashed across Green Bull's forehead.

Ningguang spread his fingers.

Countless gems attacked the green bull.

Others on the Jade Pavilion began to shoot at the man in the sky.

In an instant.

Bows, artillery, elemental gems.

The green bull became a living target.

If we say it's just some miscellaneous soldiers, that's all.

However, these people chosen by Ningguang are all black-blade warriors who are proficient in two-color domineering.

Although not as good as the green bull's experience.

But everyone is strong.

Such intense fire.

Even generals were hit by bullets.

Elemental abilities.

He was bleeding from the injured area.

Green Bull roared at Fujitora in the distance: "Come and help... I can't deal with this kind of thing in the air!"

"I'm sorry...I also want to help, but...I can't help at all!"

At this time, Fujitora smiled.

Currently fighting with Maplehara Manyo.

The opponent is holding a storm blade.

The attacks are fast and vicious.

It has a completely different style from the previous Beidou opening and closing.

"I've been looking forward to today for a long time, Mr. Blind... Let's fight it out, in the name of the swordsman..."

"Ha... Not bad fighting spirit! Then I'll admit you... Gravity Knife!!!"


Purple sword energy.

Erupted from Fujitora's staff sword.

Maplehara Manyo's body quickly dodged.

But when he dodged the third attack, his body fell downwards involuntarily.

Gravity was already pressing down on him.

However, Maplehara Manyo didn't have any panic.

Instead, his body quickly dodged away.

Gravity training.

He does it every day.

Therefore, this gravity will naturally have no impact on Maplehara Manyo.


The storm rises.

Fujitora looked shocked.

I didn't expect that my gravity knife would be dodged so easily.

"Let's fight somewhere else, old gentleman... Kazekage Thousand Blades Slash..."

The violent sword energy spurted out.

It directly knocked Fujitora away.

And Maplehara Manyo said behind him: "Leave this general to me, you guys come on..."

The two disappeared on Ghost Island.

Flying towards the outer mountains.

when falling to the ground.

Explosions of battle.

Then it sounded again.

When Nami saw this scene, she gritted her teeth and looked at Luffy, asking: "How long will it take to recover? Just by Keqing and the others... this battle is not easy!

We have to do our best..."

"Huh...huh...there are still five minutes, the consequences of fourth gear are too great! Zoro...can you block it?"


The royal deputy stood up, covered in wounds.

The Yama in his hand continued to release his overlord color.

I saw him grinning ferociously: "You can't always rely on others..."

In Dressrosa.

He realizes his own strength!

However, it is not enough to challenge the Yonko.

So during this time.

Zoro continued to train.

And it just so happened that he got Yama!

The strength is naturally strengthened.

Sanji said: "I'll deal with the other royal lieutenants inside... Luffy, wait until you recover! Then go deal with Kaido..."

Two people were injured.

Rushed into the interior of Ghost Island again.

Keqing was currently fighting with Jin.

After her defense was broken.

The imperial deputy was very cautious.

High-altitude operations have been maintained.

Don't give Keqing a chance at all.

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