Can result in injury or even death.

Therefore, Ningguang planned to clear the place.

At the same time, I also want Onigashima not to move towards the Flower City.

The description of the mission is not to destroy the Flower City.

In this case, it is better to completely destroy the island here.

When Nami heard Ning Guang's words, she couldn't help being stunned, and quickly said to Robin and others: "Everyone... retreat quickly... Onigashima is going to be destroyed!!!"

Her voice is loud.

It reached the ears of most people directly.

When Usopp and the others heard this, they simply ran away.

"Run...this island is going to be destroyed!!!"

Franky, Sanji... and even other members of the pirate group were also shocked.

Especially Sanji who is fighting with the cadres.

He raised his voice and asked, "What's going on?"

"The people from Liyue want to destroy this island, evacuate quickly..."

Usopp yelled.

The whole person was hugged by Chopper and ran outside.

After Sanji reacted.

Also a quick evacuation.

As for the enemy?

He didn't care anymore.

Watching countless pirates evacuate.

Ningguang also activates the magic formula with both hands.

The final machine standing on the Qunyu Pavilion Square lit up with golden light.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

Looking at Ning Guang who wants to use the ultimate machine to destroy the Ghost Island.

It’s also ridiculous.

Hu Tao: "She can't be the richest woman in Liyue. She is so arrogant in doing tasks... After all, if you open the terminal once, it will cost you at least 100,000 mola, right? That's awesome..."

Kamisato Ayaka: "Hey...he is the richest person, and 577...has been fighting on Ghost Island, which is actually very detrimental to us!"

Like the fighting power of Kaido and others.

That's all extremely scary.

Just now, Kaido knocked Diluc away with one blow, almost causing him to fall to the Ghost Island.

You can imagine how dangerous it is.

But when fighting on the ground, you don't have to worry about it.

Therefore, Ningguang's judgment is very accurate.

Yae Shenzi: "Fighting on someone else's territory, the island is full of traps... I'm afraid of fighting with hands and feet! Anyway, I can't let go... I fully agree with Ningguang's idea.

As for Mora?

Please tell me what can be solved with Mora.

Is it still a thing? "

The last thing this rich woman lacks is Maura.

Yura: "Qian Duo is really willful... However, Kaido's strength is terrifying enough, and it's just a matter of constant transformation. A single blow can destroy the environment for several kilometers.

In terms of strength.

As expected of the Four Emperors! "

Mona: "One more thing is that I suspect that Ningguang has guessed that there are probably many naval spies hidden in the castle, right? If the island is destroyed...most of the people will be wiped out."

Since there are generals.

Who knows what else is hidden inside.

Direct destruction is the best option!

Keqing, Xiangling and others got the hint.

They evacuated the island one after another.

Diluc, Luffy and others also evacuated Ghost Island with the help of Trafalgar Law.

At this time, Kidd was still looking at Luo without saying anything.

He said angrily: "What are you doing? I'm going to kill those people..."

"Idiot, do you feel the difference in the air?"

Once reminded by Tara Falgaro.

Kidd instantly felt the horror of the final machine.

"This thing is..."

He looked at the strange device in the square.

Showing disbelief.

Knowledge (bcfe) color domineering.

Keep reminding him.

This kind of thing is terrible! ! !

"start up..."

Ning Guang said in a cold tone.




Three rays of light come together.

An unimaginable power erupted.

A huge beam of light bursts towards Ghost Island.

The two navy admirals were startled and broke into a cold sweat. Then they screamed strangely and fled to other places.

Kaido cursed shamelessly.

Also abandoned Ghost Island.

Runti and her brother jumped off the island directly.

And the remaining pirates.

There are also CP spies lurking in Ghost Island.

All were hit by the beam of light.


Huge shock wave.

Blooming in the sky outside the flower capital.

Everything was destroyed by this blow.

A weapon that can stop the devil.

You can imagine how terrible it is.

Runti and other people who lack strength.

Being hit by the shock wave, he vomited blood and fainted.

The Admiral, on the other hand, has no influence.

On the contrary, it is those CP personnel.

All were hit by the shock wave.

Death is death, injury is injury.

See this scene.

Green Bull gritted his teeth and said, "Damn guy... We really suffered heavy losses this time."

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