"I'm sorry...Mr. Fujitora, I'm going to win this time...Swastika: The Whisper of the Wind Spirit..."

Countless winds surged around.

And the body of Maplehara Manyo.

And protected by Qianfeng.

The purple gravity knife collides with the green wind.

The two burst out with terrifying power.

Gravity is scary.

But facing the swirling wind.

It was blocked!

"Lord Su Han once said that the wind is unrestrained, seemingly gentle... but it hides endless murderous intent! Just like this wind from the sky... can turn into my storm.

Wind Spirit, let the power of the storm defeat the enemy...

Tornado! ! ! "

Maplehara Manyo deflected the gravity knife away and launched his strongest attack at the same time.

A slash like a tornado.

Arrives in an instant.

Fujitora smiled and tried his best to resist, but found that his moves were unable to withstand the huge storm of hundreds of meters.

Eventually it was swallowed by the whirlpool.

I don’t know where it flew to.

The victory of the battle belongs to Maplehara Manyo.

Looking at the man walking away.

The young man couldn't help but sigh: "This old man has an upright heart. It would be a pity to kill him...".

Chapter 355 The demon god Marcusius appears and changes the territory of Wano with one blow

If it were another general.

Maplehara Manyo may be ruthless.

However, Fujitora has his own justice after all.

It's a pity that he joined the navy.

Letting go will actually be beneficial to the future battle situation.

After taking out a general, the original pressure was instantly relieved.

Kaido in the sky.

Looking at the defeated general, he snorted disdainfully: "What a waste..."

Originally, Kaido thought that the other party could provide him with some conveniences.

Let's take some of the pressure off.

But no one expected that a general would be defeated so quickly.

What a disgrace.

A large number of people fell to the ground.

The fight continues.

Many of the samurai were seriously injured.

Some of them died directly.

And Kuotan Orochi and Kuotan Kanjuro died directly in the explosion just now.

Not even a scum is left.

Sauron and others directly approached Drought Jack and Plague Quinn.

As for the generals, they really want to challenge them.

However, Xiangling did not allow it.

Because this is her enemy.

"Hey... little girl, I admit that your flame has some power, but... my fruit ability is not afraid of your attack at all..."

Beside the green bull.

There are many pirates lying around.

They were all caught by him during the battle, and now they have all become food for the green bull.

Branches that were originally burned by flames.

After draining the pirate's life.

His strength was restored too!

Countless flowers, branches...even green grass.

Spreading out from the ground one after another.

Fruit Awakening VS Fruit Awakening.

The pirates in the distance received the call from the cadres and rushed over from various places.

And when they stepped into this jungle.

The body is directly entangled.

Sharp roots.

Instantly pierce the skin of these pirates.

And those vines underground are constantly distributing nutrients.

Almost instantly.

A huge rain forest quickly formed with Xiangling and Green Bull as the center.

The towering trees are dozens of meters high.

There was even a lot of rain falling from the sky.

The power of a general is extraordinary.

The terrain changes at every turn.

The Green Bull wanted to increase its fighting chips by changing the terrain.

"What should you do in such an environment? A little girl who uses fire to deprive others of their senses..."

Green Bull actually fell into the trap.

However, his fruit ability can sense everything around him through plants.

Therefore, the five senses are lost.

It doesn't mean that the green bull has no fighting ability.

Instead came to the ground.

This is his kingdom.

Xiangling sensed the low voices...and then slowly disappeared, and her expression turned cold.

"Are you sucking the life force of others?"

"So what? Eating is too troublesome. I can become very powerful by absorbing other people's lives like this... Don't worry, I will be gentler later.

After all, you are quite beautiful...

It would not be good to eat it directly..."

The green bull sucked the lives of the pirates crazily.

Even fighting others for later.

He even absorbed all the dead bodies.

Such behavior made the little cook very angry.

"There is so much food to eat, but you choose to eat humans... What do you think of humans!!!"

Devil fruit powers.

No matter killing people.

She didn't feel anything.

Those pirates deserve to be killed, Xiang Ling also thinks so, but... the act of absorbing other people into the body is like living food.

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