Therefore, Totosai doesn't have to worry about this at all.

Hearing this, the little old man riding the bull finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He continued to watch.

I found that there are a lot of valuable materials here.

Some exude a cold atmosphere.

Some are as hot as lava.

Just leaving it there will scorch the ground.

If something like this were made into a weapon, it would definitely be something great.

Totosai was extremely glad that he had joined the god's camp.

Otherwise, your talents will be wasted.

Only here can you reflect your own value.


And now, on the other side.

Su Han, General Thunder and Shen He came to a ruins in Liyue.

【Salt of the Earth】.

The power of salt is everywhere around you.

General Thunder and Lightning looked at the surrounding environment and asked doubtfully: "Is this the ruins of the Demon God?"

"Well... Heulia, the Demon God of Salt, died here... According to folklore, the Rock God killed her, but... that's not actually the case."

Su Han said lightly.

Most of Liyue was monitored and robbed by soldiers.

Only here he didn't send anyone.

Because the Salt Demon God Heulia is a god who even the Winter Kingdom would give up on.

To put it simply.

Just don't have that much strength.

A very weak god.

Chapter 359 The Demon God Heulia who is not yet dead, the true history of that year

The two of them followed Su Han deeper and slowly arrived at a cave.

There are many statues nearby.

All covered with a generous amount of salt.

Shen He frowned and said, "These are..."

"Poor people affected by the power of the devil..."

General Thunder answered the question for Su Han.

Just like when Orobas dies, he will leave behind the aura of the haunted god.

Even if Heulia didn't choose to resist.

Instead, it defaults to death.

But that terrifying power will still spread to the surrounding areas.

It can be said that... when the power of the demon was leaked, all nearby believers turned into statues.

Su Han was checking nearby.

Since Zhongli asked him to come over during the celebration that day, he would definitely not just let himself get the treasure of Heulia, the Demon God of Salt.

The opponent's two magic weapons.

He still doesn't like it.

Therefore, Zhongli must have other reasons for asking him to come.

Think about it carefully.

In the plot.

With Zhongli's actions, did Heulia really commit suicide?

Even if there is no resentment.

The spread of salt in the earth.

It definitely doesn't look like a place where demons die.

Although her strength is indeed very weak.

But... no matter how weak the demon god is, he will not be able to influence even a small island with his power.

Suddenly, Su Han said to his wife beside him: "Shadow... come and check if there is a secret passage or a deeper space nearby...

I always suspect that something is wrong here. "

General Thunder's eyes darkened.

Ray movies take over the body.


The power of thunder flashed in the air.

Lei Qianqian felt the power fluctuation in the air and said in surprise: "There seems to be something underground..."

"Then break it..."

"Okay, push it away!"

Su Han and Shen He retreated towards the rear.

And Lei Movies pulled out 577 and fulfilled his dream.

Purple thunder.

Filled the entire cave.

The sky of Salt of the Earth was completely enveloped by purple thunder.

Inside the Wangshu Inn in the distance.

Many people couldn't help but gasp.

Even if we are far apart.

They can also feel the pressure in the air.


And in Wangshu Inn.

Zhongli, who was sipping tea, showed a smile.

"It seems that he has passed...I don't need to worry about it anymore..."

He stood up and walked outside.

At the same time, he said to the proprietress: "Record Su Han's account..."

"Yes, Immortal, please walk slowly..."

Zhongli's figure gradually disappeared.

I don’t know where I went.


In the salt of the earth.

The thunder movie bombarded towards the ground.


The divine power of thunder tore apart all the rocks.

Together with the large amount of salt layer on the surface, it was completely shattered.

Along with the hundreds of meters of salt layer being chopped.

A clear light shone up from the ground.

Shen He looked surprised and said: "There is actually an underground space here..."

"I felt something was wrong with the demon's disintegrating power just now. Now it seems...this is the real history!"

Su Han took the lead and flew downwards.

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