But... Su Han also felt that it was enough.

After all, it's just a Clow card.

It’s also a reward for a three-star mission.

You can't expect it to be the same as a devil fruit.

Showing great strength, right?

When Su Han and Ke Qing returned to the conference room.

Everyone is still discussing the idea of ​​an empty island.

For example, Yula thought it would be best to have a swimming pool above.

You can enjoy the sunshine.

Xiang Ling, on the other hand, believes that there is enough sunlight to cultivate a lot of sauces.

In short, everyone has everyone's ideas.

I have to say, the arrival of Sky Island.

Gave everyone many surprises.

Su Han, on the other hand, went to practice silently.

Things about empty islands.

Just leave it to them.

Time soon came to evening, when Su Han came out of the training room and prepared to eat.

Kamisato Ayato came to him.

"Sir, the Fengxing Club has prepared delicious food today. Are you free?"

"Huh? Okay... I got off work so early today. It seems that the official duties are a bit relaxed. Do you want to put some more burden on you..."

"Ahem, cough...that's not necessary for now."

I heard that I had to do more work myself.

This diligent civil servant was also frightened.

You need to know the hours he works every day.

It can take more than ten hours!

If you work overtime...I'm afraid you will die young.

Su Han smiled and said, "I'm just kidding you... Is Fengxingshe doing well recently?"

Two people ride on a teleporting mirror.

Come to the castle tower.

Walk slowly down.

Originally, Su Han wanted to invite the God of Thunder to have a meal.

As a result, Kamisato Ayato next to him whispered: "Sir...can you be the only one to come today?"

"Huh? Why..."

Such a good opportunity to have a meal.

Isn't this why I'm going to take the God of Thunder and give you a good beating?

As the saying goes, just let yourself go.

Could this guy be trying to bribe him?

Facing Su Han's questioning gaze.

Kamisato Ayato hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "Sir...I and my sister-in-law are the only ones here today, in order to thank you for your kindness..."

"Oh, good!"

Su Han understood instantly.

So, he said to General Thunder: "Shadow...I won't be home to eat today. You and Hua Sanli and the others can eat some...I'll go home at about ten o'clock in the evening."


In the door.

The cold voice of General Thunder came.

The two are now recognized as a couple.

So, when you go out... it's most obvious to say hello.

If it's a movie going out.

I will also tell Su Han.

It's just that... this otaku God of Thunder, if he didn't say anything, he would stay in the castle tower for a whole day and not go out.


The two of them did not go to Inazuma Castle, but chose to go to the beach outside the castle tower.

Su Han looked at Kamisato Ayato in confusion and asked, "Is there something wrong with you?"

"Well... Mainly, I want to thank you... My sister-in-law used to be very well-behaved and cute, but... because of Inazuma's dogma, she became like a mother.

Like a cute porcelain doll.

Trapped to this land.

Many days ago.

I remember she came to me with a face full of excitement and said she could go abroad... That excitement is still unforgettable to me..."

Inazuma was very confused at that time.

The family's situation is also difficult.

Therefore, even if Ayato Kamisato had that idea, he was limited by the policy.

After all, it was a lockdown at the time.

"Sir... you know? Although Kamisato Ayaka only went to sea for a few days, after she came back... I could always see a smile on her face...

At the same time, she can often be seen in a daze.

Although I have never felt that way...

But I understand that my sister has someone in her heart...

But...after being happy, loneliness follows!

I didn't have the heart to ask, I just watched silently... It wasn't until that day when you went to sea and came to Daozhu that I realized... The person my sister-in-law was waiting for appeared..."

Kamisato Ayato was talking the whole time.

And Su Han was listening silently.

The other party told many things about Kamisato Ayaka.

It is also a side that I have never paid attention to.

The exquisite egret princess.

It is the constraints and shackles of the old era.

No one knows the girl's thoughts except her brother.

Busy family food during the day.

Work hard to practice swordsmanship at night.

Just to shine in the mission group of the heavens.

Let the person you love pay more attention to you.

"It seems I put too much pressure on her..."

Su Han uttered a sentence softly.

Originally, he was thinking of waiting until Ayato Kamisato could support a family.

Then he took action to accept the long-awaited Princess Egret.

But didn't notice.

Because of his silence and the company of people like General Thunder and Hua Sanli.

Invisibly, Ayaka Kamisato was put under great pressure.

It can even be said that it gave the other party an inferiority complex.

How long has it been since I paid serious attention to Kamisato Ayaka?

It's probably been a long time.

Thinking back to when he first took charge of Inazuma.

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