He threw out a few kunai as a test.


Thunder flashes.

All kunai were disintegrated in an instant.

The beautiful woman in the distance disappeared.

"Hey... Excuse me, did I provoke you? I attacked a fairy fox at will... So, are you ready to die?"

A voice came from my ears.

Danzo Shimura was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

Hands instantly connected.

At the same time, a fox spirit penetrated directly into his body.


Danzo Shimura coughed up a mouthful of old blood.

The body even fell to the ground.

However, his body quickly faded away.

Yae Shenzi smiled contemptuously and turned to look at the mountains in the distance.

He saw Danzo Shimura who had just been killed by him.

It actually appeared there.

The other party looked at him coldly.

In the cloudy eyes.

I don't know what I'm planning.

"Wind Escape·Vacuum Jade..."

It seems that the woman in front of him will not let him go.

Danzo Shimura launched an attack directly.

High pressure storm.

Like a rocket launcher.

Full of power.

It directly shattered part of the bridge instantly.

Not only that.

After Danzo Shimura performed the ninja, he also added several kunai to seal the movement of Yae Shenzi.

As a result, he stood there motionless.

Just the Kagura bell in my hand.

Swing gently.

Ninjutsu is self-defeating.

"Hey...old and ugly guy, can you use some more interesting powers? Such childish moves...it's better not to make me laugh."

Yae Shenzi showed a mysterious smile.

The whole person exudes a strange aura.

Give Danzo Shimura a moment.

He didn't even know how to attack.

Ninjutsu is useless.

The opponent's moves are weird.

How to do this?


While they were fighting.

Sasuke and Karin also arrived at the scene.

Looking at the two people confronting each other.

Xiang Lian looked surprised and said: "Great, someone stopped Shimura Danzo... Hey, who is that woman?"

She looked at the miko costume.

A fairy fox holding a Kagura bell.

But after just one glance, his body couldn't help but retreat.

She has this weird look.

This left Sasuke a little confused.

"What's wrong with you? Xiang Phosphorus..."

"Sasuke-sama, let's retreat...this woman...this woman is too scary..."

Just looking at it made my hair stand on end.

At this time, Yae Shenzi looked back.

Just a quick glance.

But Xiang Phosphorus knelt directly on the ground.

"Really, Sasuke... let's run away, this woman... is not something we can deal with!"

"Shut up, I have only one goal. That is to kill Danzo Shimura...No one can stop me!!!"

In anger.

Uchiha Sasuke's eyes.

Became a kaleidoscope.

Brother and family.

All died because of each other.

The enemy is right in front of you now.

How that made him back off.

And in the conversation between two people.

Shimura Danzo naturally discovered his existence.

"No, the Uchiha orphan is here. We can't let him participate in the battle... we have to get out quickly..."

His judgment is good.

Know that you are invincible.

Then I wanted to choose to leave.

It's a pity that Yae Shenzi didn't give him a chance to escape.

When Danzo Shimura wanted to use Wind Release to hold back and hold him back.

Three fox spirits rushed towards me from other directions.

Shimura Danzo with Sharingan activated.

Naturally, these strange spirits were not ignored.

I want to choose to give in.

However, he didn't expect it.

The fox spirit exploded.

Another life was taken away.

"Hahahaha... This is so funny to me. He is such a stupid old man. He has wasted another life... I said yes first, you have to please me properly.

This way you can live a little longer.

Otherwise...you will be worse than dead. "

Yae Shenzi was not joking.

Because she released Bai Ji from beginning to end.

That is, his own Zanpakutō.

And those fox spirits who are under the command will be blessed by Bai Ji's power.

Becoming more ferocious and violent.

Yae Kamiko didn't even have to participate in the battle himself.

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