Gravity is included in his power.

"Gravity Knife·Underworld·Shattering Wind and Waves..."

A terrifying slash.

burst from his hands.

After adding gravity.

The strength is directly upgraded to a level.

The ground was squeezed down.

Unfortunately, the ridge is endless.

Still blocked in front of the sword energy.

However, this time... the two people saw the slightest crack appearing on the rock ridge.


Su Han felt happy and began to continue to strengthen his strength.

He sank into his own mind.

At the same time, his fingers flexibly arranged an amplification formation at his feet.

The majestic spiritual energy.

pouring into his body.

The whole person's hair started to flutter.

"Since one's strength alone is not enough, then let's merge..."

he muttered.

The power condensed in the blade, forcing the power in Tie Shaiya to temporarily merge into one.

When Su Han opened his eyes.

The iron teeth in his hand turned into gold.

However, it contains all the power.

"Here we go, this is my strongest blow...Dragon Breaking Slash!"

All the strength was bet on this sword.

Success and failure.

Just look at this strike.


At this moment, Su Han's figure even disappeared from the eyes of Dragon King Ruotuo.

This shows how fast it is.


Another dull blow.

The entire cave was shaken by the huge shock wave.

And places like Hulao Mountain in the outside world.

It even started to break.

The ten peaks are even more fragmented.

Under a huge impact.

A stream of smoke spewed out from Fulong Cave.

It also flew out.

There is also the figure of a man.

Su Han.

His body drew an arc and finally landed on the ground.

The iron broken tooth blade in his hand has been broken into pieces.

It can be said that it is basically almost useless.

And the armor on his body.

All were broken and disappeared.

The body was dripping with blood.

"Big brother..."

Qiqi ran over in fear.

He quickly healed him with his own hands.

Since this time.

Qiqi regained her consciousness and has been learning healing spells.

I have to say that she is very talented in this area.

As the power of the ice attribute continues to condense, the talisman falls.

Su Han's injuries.

It is also getting better gradually.

Half an hour later, all the wounds were healed623.

When Su Han opened his eyes, what he saw was Qiqi's pretty face.

"Oh...big brother, you finally woke up."

"It's okay, don't cry Qiqi... I just want to try my power, nothing wrong..."

He sat up.

Look at the figure not far away.

Su Han said apologetically: "I'm sorry...I still can't break that seal, even if it's a pillar..."

He can unleash all his strength to fight against Shadow.

That's because the power of seeing, hearing, and seeing can see the future.

However, Zhongli's sealing power.

Still too powerful.

He is no match at all.

"It's okay, you have worked very hard...Thank you for your help..."

The other person turned his head.

Smiling softly towards himself.

Then the body slowly fades.

Just when Su Han thought her consciousness returned to its true form.

The other party walked out of Fulong Cave.

And he was carrying two things in his hand.

"this is?"

"My blood essence and my scales...use it to repair your blade, so that you will have my power..."


What did Su Han want to ask?

But he saw the other party waving towards him.

"I understand what you are going to say...the problem of wear and tear can only be solved later, but you have worked hard enough today...let's go back to your home together.

I know, it’s no longer Liyue’s…”

"Can you leave?"

"Yes, but the physical body is not good enough...and the current state cannot be sustained for long."

While talking.

The intellectual mature woman turned into a little loli.

He's back to his cute look again.

The other party looked at Su Han with his little hands on his hips and said, "Okay, hurry up and take me to eat delicious food... I will eat back what I have lost little by little! Don't continue to be in a daze..."

Facing such a little loli.

Su Han could only take the other party away.

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