There were desserts stored for the holidays before.

There are many candies of various flavors inside.

At that time, I remember... I stored a lot of them.

However, just as he took it out, a wisp of breeze blew past the thing in his hand.

All is gone.

Keli just smiled.

It suddenly solidified.

Two people, one large and one small, looked into the distance.

I saw Ruotuo Dragon King suddenly had a handful of brand new candies in his hand.

"Bah chi..."

"Hmm... I like this kind of dark candy better. It tastes better than the previous one..."

This is chocolate flavored.

The taste is naturally better than the fruit candy given by Keqing.

Keli and Su Han stared at each other with big eyes.

Before he could comfort Little Sun.

Then he heard Keli say to him: "Brother, don't be angry, Keli knows... We can't beat that guy... Let's practice hard and avenge you later..."

Although she is small.

However, I understand one thing.

The candy was snatched away without even the big brother reacting.

It can only explain one truth.

The other party is stronger than the elder brother.

"Okay... But although we can't defeat her, we still have to be reasonable... Just watch..."

Su Han comforted Little Sun.

Walked in front of Ruotuo Dragon King.

Look at those straight golden eyes.

He has no fear or blame.

Instead, he said to the little Loli gently: "Ruotuo... I know you are very insecure, but... even so, you can't rob other people's things. You can share with others what you want.

You can even come to me..."

Facing Su Han.

The other party snorted softly and said indifferently: "Don't call me that name... Ruo Tuo was named by that man. I don't want it... Just call me another name."

"Then what should I call you? Ajiu..."

"It sounds so unpleasant..."


"Well...this is pretty much it."

The little Loli thought for a moment.

The name was eventually acknowledged.

But before she could say anything else.

Cover the top of your head with one palm.

"You can tell me if you feel wronged in the future, but don't bully others, okay?"


Gentle hands.

Defeated all her indifference.

In fact, Ruoruo doesn't like to bully others.

She just doesn't want to see little lolita like herself become popular.

Because I was afraid that Su Han would be taken away.

That's why it becomes like this.

It's a psychological shadow.

However, the other party just gave her a different kind of sense of security.

It was as if all the little thoughts had been seen through.

This made Ruoruo feel very at ease.

So, the mood returned to happiness.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of her.

A good mood that has just returned.

Collapse instantly.

"Oh...this guy is very powerful. Where did you find it?"

That long purple hair.

Plus an exaggerated figure.

Who else but General Raiden.

Su Han smiled at him and said, "It's a dragon from Liyue..."

Hear his words.

General Thunder and Lightning came to his senses and said with a smile: "It turns out to be that chubby little guy..."

"I'm not fat!!!"

Sore spots were mentioned.

Ruoruo puffed up her cheeks angrily.

Looking at the intimacy between the two people in front of me.

She rushed out immediately, trying to knock General Thunder and Lightning away with her headbutt.

As a result, the other party subdued her with just one finger.

".¨Children, it's better not to be know?"

In the deep purple eyes.

There was a flash of amusement.

Although Ruotuo Dragon King's power is very strong in front of Su Han and others.

But...I can't be a monster in front of her.

"Let go quickly..."

"If you don't obey again, I will throw you into the woods...Su Han is my husband, you don't want to be beaten...or do you think he can beat me?"

Hear the words of General Raiden.

Ruoruo didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore.

She snorted softly and ran away with her bucket of chicken legs.

However, this cute look.

But it made General Thunder laugh.

"This guy... I didn't expect it to turn out like this, but... that's fine, at least it won't be like before..."

"Huh? You know her..."

Su Han looked surprised.

I saw the other party nodded and said: "Yes... I have met him a few times. After all, as my sister's shadow, I have to participate in many battles... Sometimes that chubby guy.

will often appear in front of me...

However, she was very indifferent at that time.

It's also very scary to fight.

The earth shook.

This term for Liyue is extremely suitable when applied to her.

But...then one day it seems that I can no longer see it.

It turns out that it was suppressed underground. "

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