Because I am a very committed person..."

The words fell.

A golden light bloomed in his hand.

Sun, moon, mountains and rivers.

Appeared behind Zhongli.

That was everything to Liyue.

Now even the World Tree is depicted.

Such an amazing scene.

Everyone was shocked.

It seems that the power of this weapon is more than what was shown before.

Zhongli was seen holding the Xuanyuan Sword and said calmly: "This weapon is not mine, but belongs to a close friend of mine... But for some reason.

I can also motivate.

Now that you are a devil with heinous crimes, you deserve to be killed..."

He stepped forward.

Countless golden lights burst out.

The entire sea of ​​blood shook instantly.

It just bloomed.

There is such a terrifying power.

If cut down.

I'm just afraid that the sea of ​​blood in the sky won't be able to bear it.

A flash of surprise flashed in Li Yingqi's eyes, as if he really saw hope of victory.

Chapter 398 The escaped blood demon ancestor, the humane holy soldier destroys all magic weapons

"What kind of magic weapon is this..."

Youquan, who was hiding in the sea of ​​blood, was startled.

Mere stimulation has such an effect.

If they really start to kill.

Can I really resist it?


Never give the other party a chance.

Countless 90,000 Blood God Sons mobilized together.

The entire Shu Mountain was blood red.

Even the sky is obscured by the power of the fountain.

At this moment, the entire world was submerged in an endless sea of ​​blood.

"No matter what tattered swords you have, they will all be swallowed up by the power of my Ancestor Youquan..."

How terrifying was the previous Haotian Mirror?

That is the number one magic weapon in the human world.

But now it is not swallowed by myself.

I saw the endless sea of ​​blood.

A huge corona slowly appears.

This magic weapon is the contaminated Haotian Mirror.

Youquan's clone manipulates the magic weapon.

Aiming at Zhongli and others below.

"Die to me..."

Blessed by the infinite blood spring, a huge sea of ​​blood light flooded the opponent.

The once righteous magic weapon.

Now it has been sacrificed and refined into an evil treasure by Youquan.

The power is not reduced at all.

The place where the light passed shook the mountains.

Even the air turned into blood red.

Li Yingqi looked at the bloody light and almost got lost in it.

Fortunately, the light of Xuanyuan Sword lit up.

This brought her back to normal.

"This bloody light has the power to confuse people's minds. Miss Li should be careful..."

Zhongli's voice came slowly.

Then he raised the Xuanyuan Sword.

Looking at the sun, moon and mountains lighting up above, he smiled and said, "The next step is up to you..."

He turned his palm and chopped lightly.


The light of the sea of ​​blood that was about to come was instantly shattered by a dazzling sword energy.


Like the light of morning breaking through the darkness.

The light spread directly from Zhongli's feet.

All the filth from all directions was removed at this moment.

The bloody light pillar was destroyed all at once.

Youquan didn't even have time to react.

There was a clicking sound from the Haotian Mirror in his hand.


Youquan heard the sound and looked down at the first magic weapon in his hand.

Only to find that there was an extra crack on it.

Instantly, his eyes narrowed sharply.

Isn't even Haotian Mirror an opponent?

Damn it.

Youquan suddenly turned his head, just about to launch a second attack.

But he found that the man standing below had arrived in front of him at some point.

In that dim world.

Golden eyes.

Looking at himself coldly.

Ling Youquan was suppressed by the opponent's momentum for a moment.


On the World Tree.

The live broadcast is outside.

Everyone saw Zhongli showing off his power.

They all applauded.

Lei Qianqian and Wendy showed a faint smile.

Do you now understand how terrifying this old man is?

Those golden eyes.

But it is the thing that scares the gods the most.

Ningguang praised: "He is indeed the oldest immortal. His courage is truly unmatched by anyone. I am afraid that only the emperor can conquer such a person...〃~"

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