The entire ground collapsed instantly.

All the original gaps have been filled.

In this way a huge foundation was built.

Waiting for Ruoruo to recover a little.

Su Han and Ke Qing took her to Qingyunding.

Looking at such high mountains.

A trace of nostalgia appeared in Ruoruo's eyes.

She used to come here often to have a nice day.

He was holding the food that the chubby guy had brought to him.

Those were my most leisurely days.

"What's wrong? Do you remember what happened before..."

"Yes, but...the food at that time was not as delicious as it is now...I was tired of fighting all day long...Does it have to be the same here as before?"


"Then I'll take action!"

Ruoruo becomes bigger again.

The past is the past.

Now is what should be cherished the most.

Since that person hates himself, then naturally someone will like him.


After growing bigger again.

The power of Ruotuo Dragon King is blessed by Ruoruo through the seal.

On the white and tender fist.

Traces of scales appeared.

This proves that the physical power of Ruotuo Dragon King has been gradually withdrawn.


When the power explodes to the extreme.

The mountain peak is wrapped in the elemental power of four colors.

The power of Ruotuo Dragon King is the purest elemental power.

Just like the elemental dragon lizard.

Violent and rough.

Extremely destructive.

The water waves entangled and the flames shattered.

This punch condensed her entire understanding of the power of the elements.

Punch out.

Elemental destruction.

A mixture of ice and thunder.

The impact of water and fire.

Keqing looked on in shock.

It turns out that the power of elements can still be used like this?

Is this real power?

Keqing felt that her understanding of power seemed to have awakened a little bit, like the existence of Ruotuo Dragon King.

Naturally, I won't just play martial arts with you.

Compared to the reaction of elements.

She'll do it in wilder ways.

The explosion of four color elements.

Can create more terrifying power than before.

The mountain Qingyunding slowly began to decompose and collapse.

Eventually it slowly collapsed.

Memory is memory after all.

It's better to enjoy yourself now.

Seeing the scene of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, Ke Qing asked in a low voice: "Would you like to try to unlock Ruoruo's seal again~?"


"I mean... your strength has improved now, why don't you try to unlock Ruoruo's seal?"

Tie Suiya couldn't bear it before.

Now, Su Han gets a brand new weapon.

You can definitely try to unlock Ruoruo's seal again.

"Yeah...I almost forgot."

Su Han responded with a slap on his head.

Ruoruo works so hard.

How could I just watch the show?

He leveled the nearby mountains first, and then flew towards Fulong Cave.

The inside is the same as before.

A huge dragon king lies sleeping inside.

However, one of the pillars had large cracks.

This is the trace he left behind last time.

Su Han directly summoned the Sun Sword, and with the continuous injection of power, this fairy sword bloomed with infinite power.

The power of the fairy sword.

Naturally, it is beyond his iron broken teeth.

So, he planned to give it a try.

Can this pillar be completely destroyed?

The Sun Sword reflects the cave.

The power shining like the sun fiercely slashed towards the pillar.

There were already cracks in the pillars.

Instantly shattered.

However, Su Han frowned because he discovered the power of this pillar.

Suddenly it dropped.

It seemed that Zhongli did it on purpose.

When the first pillar is broken.

Ruoruo, who was eating ice cream in the distance, was the first to feel the increase in power.

The power that the physical body can convey.

It filled up a lot all of a sudden.

It can obviously restore the appearance of a mature woman.

But I don't know why.

She still chose her current body.

Keqing looked at the red flame light in the distance, lowered her head and asked: "Ruoruo, has your strength improved?"

"Well, it's improved by about 20%...I can bulldoze the mountains without having to become like that in a while."

Faced with the little loli's rhetoric.

Ke Qing didn't even think about the transformation.

Anyway, I feel that it doesn’t matter if people change.

And inside Fulong Cave.

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