There are pictures on it.

A middle-aged man holds his hands behind his back and faces the sky.

It looks very powerful.

Su Han nodded and said: "If he is just one person, his strength may be just like that... If you can summon the water monster, it will be difficult for you to fight...

It was a monster that ordinary people could not kill.

When it comes into contact with water, it will grow.

Infinitely healing monster, I remember you are not good at sealing...

That’s how I’ll understand it if I tell you.

Fifty years after the Sedum World will be the era of the Moon Worshiping Leader..."

Keqing and Beidou suddenly realized.

It turns out that's what happened.

No wonder the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult became the boss of the fiftieth floor.

It is indeed powerful.

Beidou weighed his own strength and said with a smile: "Then I'll give it a try first...see how many floors I can reach, and if I can kill the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

Maybe you can get the Water Spirit Pearl..."

"'s better not to dream. Basically, this kind of thing won't happen."

Su Han joked.

Then Beidou entered the Zhutian Spiral Tower.


After she started to break through.

The Zhutian Task Group also broadcast live.

People who were about to take a rest saw the live broadcast started.

They all picked up melon seeds and started watching the battle.

Within the Zhutian mission group.


Paimon: "Wow... I didn't expect there would be something good to watch before going to bed! Ying... came out to learn skills!!!"

Ying: "It's coming, it's coming, it's coming..."

Ningguang: "It seems that Su Han is back, let's enjoy the rewards from the Spiral Tower of the Heavens..."

Ke Qing: "We just had a discussion with Su Han, and I feel that the fiftieth floor is a difficulty. I guess if Beidou can't get through, there will probably be only Gan Yu, Zhongli, and the Eighth Level God Son." (bcfe)

As for Thor, Hua Sanli and others.

None of them have reached the third level of group membership.

There is no chance to break through.


The perspective switches back to Beidou.

After she entered the Spiral Tower of the Heavens.

A gorgeous platform appeared in front of him.

Above are layers of strange buildings.

At this time, a number appeared on the big screen.

[Defeat a thousand enemies and enter the next level...]

[Reward: None]


With the flash of light.

A thousand knights appeared in front of Beidou.

These knights are well trained.

Extraordinary fighting ability.

But in front of Beidou, he still couldn't resist.

Layer after layer.

The first nine floors are just an appetizer.

However, the fifth level gave fifty spirit stones as a reward.

Saw such a thing.

Everyone thinks that the Zhutian Spiral Tower must be entered once.

As long as there is a chance.

Until the tenth floor.

Tsukuni Iwakatsu appears.

Weird patterns.

Dark eyes.

And that terrifying evil spirit.

This guy's strength is absolutely extraordinary.

"Not a bad enemy..."

When seeing Beidou appear.

Jiguo Yansheng exploded with all his power.

The demon sword bloomed with countless sharp teeth.

Countless full moons slashed away.

The Breath of the Moon, Shisi's Shape, Fierce Changes, The Sky is Full of Slender Moon.

I saw him wielding the evolved Demon Blade.

Countless huge crescent-shaped sword energies, accompanied by countless huge round-moon blades, attacked Beidou.

It looks destructive.

"Tch...slow moves!"

"Die Lang·One slash!"

Thunder roared.

Cut it off with one sword.

Jiguo Yansheng easily turned into countless pieces.

The battle is won.

A prompt appeared on the screen overhead.

[Congratulations on killing the tenth floor BOSS, Ji Guoyan wins... and you get a reward: one thousand blue sky stones. 】

[Azure Sky Stone: A very precious stone used in forging, expensive... It has the power of air and wind. 】

Everyone saw Beidou's reward.

All a little happy.

Mona: "Not bad...I have obtained so many things on the tenth floor. I feel like as long as I pass the thirtieth floor, I can earn back the 30,000 points..."

Hutao: "Yeah, let's wait for Beidou to complete the level first. Take a rest tonight, and I will also go to level tomorrow..."

Ningguang: "It's better to choose carefully. We should save our opportunities for special offers. The special offers will be refreshed soon... Prioritize the treasures first and the opportunity to break through the level.

Any time of the month is fine!

Special offer if you miss it.

Basically it is difficult to refresh. "

Gan Yu: "Well, but...I can challenge Mr. Zhongli tomorrow. I just contacted him. He said he can challenge...

However, I don't know why.

It seems that Mr. Zhongli doesn’t want to start a live broadcast. "


Live broadcast started.

The top brass will definitely be exposed.

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