Su Han: "Ahem... I have a treasure that I can give you to use to ensure that it can purify the filth and solve the problems in the Palace of Origin."

Wendy: "So cool? What it the dragon vein? Hehe, I knew it was the one. Take it out quickly..."

Hua Sanli: "Stop dreaming, that dragon vein cannot be moved!"

The current Dragon Vein is treating Raiden Shin.

Naturally, there is no time to borrow it.

So she guessed it was other treasures.

Su Han: "Actually, it's the blood lotus I got from the previous mission. It was originally the treasure of Ancestor Youquan. I actually studied it after I got it.

This treasure is an evil thing.

But things in the world are always so strange. This treasure can absorb evil spirits and make oneself stronger at the same time. "

Mandrill: "So Brother Su Han, what you mean is to use blood lotus to absorb the filth of the Palace of Origin?"

Fushe: "I think it's a good idea. In fact, power does not distinguish between good and evil. If the Sakura Dragon doesn't do bad things, it is not an evil person.

Use blood lotus to absorb dirt.

Not only can this treasure be repaired, but it can also solve the problems of the Palace of Origin.

It's simply killing two birds with one stone. "

Su Han: "Yes, Brother Fushe is right. I think so too..."

The attribute of the blood lotus treasure is: evil.

But you don't do bad things with it.

In fact, fundamentally, blood lotus is not an inherently evil thing.

As for the Sakura Dragon in the Source Palace.

Naturally, his strength is not as good as that of Ancestor Youquan.

This way.

The answer is simple.

Use the Blood Lotus to absorb everything in the Palace of Source.

Just let it return to normal.

Wendy saw that there was nothing else to explain.

He received the mission.

Take the blood lotus and prepare to leave.

However, before leaving, Ningguang said to him: "You said I wanted to give you a warning before doing things. Remember to search for treasures... like the Immortal Sword.

Bring it back if you can.

And the treasures inside.

Take whatever you can.

This is a special Dust Song pot.

The area is very large.

Can accommodate ten islands..."


Wendy was stunned.

Oh my God.

Is it really going that far?

Look at his shocked expression.

Ke Qing, who was next to him, said: "Don't think it's bad to do this. We are creatures of the world of Teyvat. If you feel embarrassed, we have actually done this before.

For our world.

Even if it's a little bad... I think it's what it should be. "

"Yes, actually know the problems of our world better than we do."

Facing the persuasion of Mona and Keqing.

Wendy smiled and said: "I understand... I will never let you down, just take a look..."

Isn't it just stealing?

I am familiar with old 670! ! !

Take the Chensong pot.

Wendy simply disappeared.

The mission has just begun.

Along with his time travel.

The live broadcast also started to be projected.

Paimeng sat on Su Han's shoulder, tilted his head and asked, "Do you think singing can really make a lot of money?"

"Of course, if Wendy is cruel, she can actually do a lot of things. Let's just wait..."

Su Han naturally trusts Wendy very much.

Because this guy is a crooked guy.

The key is that he is afraid of being soft-hearted.

This is the only drawback.

But Su Han didn't know Mona's last words just now.

In fact, Wendy was very touched.


He is the wind god of the world of Teyvat.

If not for this world.

Then your home will be in trouble.

In the past, it was just paddling.

Being able to come over to do the task this time also gave Su Han a chance to prove himself.

Therefore, this mission must not disappoint.

When the vision is restored in front of the eyes.

Wendy appeared on a snow mountain.

In the distance is Xianfeng Temple.

The maple leaves flutter in countless brilliant colors.

However, Wendy could smell the blood and stench in the wind.

"It's exactly what Brother Su Han said. It was originally a kind temple, but now it has become a place of filth and evil. How many people must have been killed to have such a smell..."

With the strong wind blowing.

Wendy flew towards Xianfeng Temple.

He wanted to obtain the Immortal Slash first.

However, when the storm rolled up, a monk from Xianfeng Temple.

He fell directly to the ground.

With his fall.

Countless black insects kept running out from the crack in the waist.

That kind of picture.

It made both Paimon and Keli vomit.

The two little guys instantly didn’t want to watch the live broadcast.

"Ugh...what a disgusting scene!!!"

"Why are there such monks? It's a nightmare..."

"Brother, Keli won't watch the live broadcast anymore...".

Chapter 413 The wind god named Barbatos, the storm ravages the demon Sakura Dragon

Disgusting images will naturally cause discomfort to others.

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