This is the most enjoyable.

And those elves, after gaining the power of essence, became much stronger.

An elf who was originally tired from work.

Then the vitality was restored directly.


In the drug laboratory outside Qun Yu Pavilion.

After Bai Shu felt the power, his face showed shock.

"What is this power? Why do I feel like my strength is about to move..."

He quickly put down what he was doing.

Enter a state of cultivation.

Just ten minutes.

This breaks through the current bottleneck.

In addition to him, other people who mastered the power of the grass element also gained strength.

In Liyue Port.

People are washed away by blessings.

My body has become much stronger.

Among them, Arecino, who was hiding in the room, was frightened by this power.

She originally thought she had been discovered.

Later, I felt the improvement in strength.

Only then did he react.

There is a mysterious force that nourishes itself.

Of course, what is meant by being scared.

That's because everyone in Liyue Port has gained this power.

Noisy people below.

This matter is being discussed.

And soon the official TV show.

The news was announced.

"Please don't be afraid. This power comes from Master Su Han's blessing and is helpful for your health..."

The announcement is somewhat general though.

However, Arecino understood that the one who really benefited must be the person in question.

That is, the top people in three countries.

Like this spreading blessing.

In fact, the improvement for ordinary people is very small.

But the advantage lies in its vast scope.

If once a day.

I'm afraid the people of Liyue will have to improve a lot in terms of physical fitness.


Do we fools really have a chance of winning?

Arecino, who had always been confident, now had doubts in his heart.

Before I had any contact with Su Han.

Her style of conduct has always been resolute, even for someone like Dadalia.

were afraid of acting with Arlecino.

Because no one knows.

What decision will this crazy woman make?

Even Dadalia believes that as long as there are enough benefits.

This woman dared to betray even the Queen of the Solstice Kingdom.

Looking at Dadalia’s comments.

You can understand that Arecino actually doesn't have much respect for the Queen of Winter Kingdom.

Completely different from those who are die-hard loyal to the Queen.

In the end, Arecino decided to continue investigating for a while before making a judgment.

Because of the price of betraying the Queen.

But it's very heavy.

Chapter 418 The special offer area has finally been refreshed, and another top ten artifact is available!

When the essence of wood is settled.

Wonders were reaped everywhere.

Crops that originally took three months to mature mature overnight.

The old man who was originally seriously ill and even the doctors thought there was no way to cure him was able to walk the next day.

Such a situation.

Many people worshiped Su Han as a god.

Because of such miraculous power.

Is it possible for mortals to perform it?

Good news comes one after another.

Just one night passed.

There was a huge harvest of spiritual food.

Output was directly increased by three times.

At the same time, those herbs enhance strength.

They also blossomed and bore fruit one after another.

Among the jade pavilions.

Ningguang and others looked at the news coming from various places.

They all looked shocked.

"In the Dadaupa Valley area close to the World Tree, food matured overnight, and the output was even twice as much as before. This is simply amazing..."

"Not only that, the woodlands near the coastline are growing like crazy."

"A miracle has also appeared on our Haiji Island. The fish and shrimps that were originally raised in captivity showed a huge growth rate today, and they matured a lot overnight..."

Haiji Island is a tourist city.

Everything must be imported.

This time made Coral Palace feel very embarrassed.

Although the income is high.

But the expenses are also high.

You can’t always rely on imports.

For this reason, she turned to Su Han.

As a result, the other party gave her a solution, which was to raise some edible fish and shrimp in captivity.

Just offshore.

In this way, seafood can be traded for food.

Who would have thought that the power of the essence of wood could be so terrifying.


The fish and shrimps have grown a lot.

Ning Guang thought for a moment, shook his head and said: "This will lead to those with cheap materials having to let Su Han seal some power..."

Sometimes there are more goods.

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