"Yes, Su Han is a good teacher. He has made you understand so many truths...".

Chapter 420 A bottle of ancient snake essence and blood, an explanation of the world of white snakes

Two sisters get together.

It is simply a great joy.

People outside saw that the sky was clear again.

Also relieved.

Otherwise, there will always be thunderstorms like this, and it will be impossible to work.

Raikage looked at the beautiful scenery below, smiled at his sister and said, "It would be great if Tora Chiyo and the others could be resurrected... It's a pity that now I can't even find a hair..."

No matter it's my sister's resurrection.

Or the resurrection of Fushe Yaksha.

Or maybe it’s resurrection among the scattered flowers.

There is a premise for everything.

That is the introduction with soul.

At present, no matter whether it is Gogochiyo or Sasa Yuri, not even a little bit of soul fragment can be found.

It's simply despairing.

As long as you can find a little bit of soul fragments.

can be easily resurrected.

Lei Dengzhen held his sister's hand and comforted him: "As long as you practice hard and do your tasks, there will always come a day... Isn't Ina Wife pretty good now?

The power of the abyss tainted Tora Chiyo.

This is also something that can't be helped.

Other countries have the same problem..."

The evil of the abyss.

Only those who have truly experienced it understand the horror.

Now there is strength to fight against the abyss.

Then there is no need to worry.

Just practice step by step.

"Well, I listen to my sister... You are right. In fact, Su Han often comforts me that there will always be a day of resurrection... By the way, sister, do you want to take over the government affairs?

Let me tell you..."

"Ahem...I am not here to work for you after my resurrection!"

Leidenzhen directly stretched out his little hand.

I chose Darme.

"elder sister?"

"Ahem...that's it. During the period of resurrection, you did very well. As for me...just like you before, I became a shadow dancer.

Guiding the country behind the scenes.

As for government affairs, just discuss it with Shenzi and the others..."


Thunder movies are full of black lines.

She felt as if her sister had changed a bit.

In the past, I was always rushing to deal with government affairs.

Afraid of not doing well.

This time, I want to be the hands-off shopkeeper.

What happened in the middle?

She wanted to know very much.

However, before Lei Qianqian could ask, her sister changed the subject.

Do you want to keep working?

How is that possible.

She has handed over all her authority.

From now on, I will no longer be a thunder god, but a beautiful woman who can enjoy the scenery everywhere.

Hehe...leave the family matters to my sister.

Wait until you have a physical body.

Outing in plainclothes.

It's so beautiful.

In fact, Raiden Zhen also thought about using Raiden General to go out for fun.

But doing so will expose your true thoughts.

So, I can only give up this tempting thing.


Inside Qunyu Pavilion.

Everyone knew that Su Han had just resurrected the true soul of Thunder and Lightning.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it strengthens its soul.

However, explanations are useless.

Because what others saw was the resurrection of the former Thor.

"Okay, we all know the efficacy of the Shennong Cauldron... If we collect more herbs in the future, maybe our improvement can be greatly improved...

Now let’s take a look at the second special offer, shall we?

Should it be redeemed? "

"Well, let's see the effect first and then talk about it..."

Su Han opened the All Heavens Mission Group and looked at the second treasure.

His current points are enough to exchange for something worth one million points again.

Two missions.

But I have accumulated a lot of points.

In addition, there are not enough treasures for the third-level members in the group.

All I can do is keep my eyes on the special offers.

[Name]: A bottle of ancient snake essence and blood

[Original price]: Five million points

[Discount]: 10% off

[Current price]: 500,000 points

[Introduction]: The special bloodline originated from the world of White Snake. It was originally the blood of ancient ferocious beasts. Later, it was passed down and gradually evolved into the bloodline of White Snake.

[Tip]: This essence blood is demon blood. Whether it is a human or other creature, once used, it will be directly transformed into the ancient snake demon blood.

[Function]: By refining this bloodline, you will gain unimaginable power. If you are gifted, you can even transform into the ancient Soaring Serpent.

[Remarks]: Although monsters are different from humans, in essence monsters can also become immortals. The former White Snake was targeted by Buddhism because of this, and even heaven wanted to take away her child.

This is enough to prove the power of the snake bloodline

[Suggestion]: It is best to devour the non-human species. If it is a close relative of a snake, the effect will be even better.

[Reminder]: Even if you just take it directly, you can get huge power, and you can't refine elixirs or weapons.

[Countdown]: five days, twenty-two hours, and twenty-five minutes

Paimon looked at the treasures in the special area, tilted his head and asked: "If this thing is used, will it turn into a monster? It's similar to Inazuma's...

Uh... Yae Kamiko is a monster, right? "

"I'm the fairy fox... Paimon, do you want to be emergency food?"

"Feel sorry!!"

The little guy felt the killing intent in the air.

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