
On top of a collapsed tower.

A girl with purple hair.

Sitting there with her legs curled up, her beautiful eyes were unfocused.

She had been sitting like this for more than six hours.

And Oz was driven away.

Heavy rain.

It is impossible to liberate a girl from her inner world.

Instead, she felt that there was only such heavy rain.

Only then can the lonely heart have a little bit of comfort.

I don’t know when.

An umbrella covered Fischer's head.

Although the rain is heavy.

But it can't affect little Amy.

At the same time, a sense of warmth dried all the other party's wet clothes.

"You said...is there really a Pure Land of Youye in this world?"


"Haha...you are laughing at me too, You Ye Pure Land is just a figment of my imagination and does not exist at all..."

Fischer no longer has a second language.

So pitiful and helpless.

Even the sound makes people connect.

Seeing this, Su Han sat next to her and said to himself: "So what if no one recognizes me... When I was a child, I also thought that I was a general.

Or a powerful monarch.

How many people do you command...

Dreams will never be disillusioned.

Even if it doesn’t exist, we have to create it..."

"Then no one laughs at you?"

Fischer looked at him blankly.

Asked the doubts in his heart.

Su Han turned back and said with a smile: "Of course you will... But, this is what I told them. When you deny yourself, you are actually denying your own courage...

Nothing that ever existed.

Does it definitely not exist?

No...the dream will not die if there is no Youye Pure Land.

Then use your own hands to create it...Beautiful princess, are you willing to build a true Youye Pure Land?

I serve as the Lord of Darkness.

I am willing to help you and become the queen of Youye Pure Land.

Not the former princess.

Now that Fischer has grown up...his ambitions must also expand. When darkness swallows everything...who will care about the truth? "

If it's not too good.

But it made Fischer's eyes keep lighting up.

So what if there is no Youye Pure Land?

Just create it yourself.

It’s really attractive! ! !

Although Fischer was excited, he still couldn't believe it.

She asked in a low voice: "Can I really create the Pure Land of Youye..."

"Of course, with my help...even if you want to create a world, my queen...the world of night is looking forward to your arrival..."

Su Han didn't finish his words.

The other person threw himself into his arms.

Started crying.

All grievances.

All incomprehensible.

The middle school girl's heart has never been as fragile as this moment.

When Su Han understood her from the bottom of his heart.

Only then did Fischer understand the importance of a close person, even though his friends were very kind to him.

But there is no such "understanding".

The girl's emotions were extremely turbulent.

After waking up a little.

Finding that she was holding a mature man in her arms made little Amy blush instantly, but she recalled what Su Han had just said.

She plucked up the courage and kissed the other person directly on the mouth.

"This is a gift from the Pure Land of Youye, the Queen of Judgment, charming monarch... Today you give me recognition, and I will use my soul to repay your love forever.

This is a contract from the Queen...never to be forgotten..."

"Of course, my lovely queen...please come with me to have a meal now. The servants have been waiting for a long time..."

Su Han lazily picked up Fischer and kissed her deeply.

Taking advantage of the other person's blurred vision.

He took the other party to the secret realm of Qunyu Pavilion.

Two people stood high in the sky.

Looking at the extremely beautiful scenery.

Fischer was shocked: "This...is this your domain? The Lord of the Night..."

"Of course, I made this with my own hands. My dear Queen..."

Su Han replied with a smile.

Chapter 425 Little Amy is in physical and mental decline, Inuyasha crushes the Dragon Bone Spirit

What a magnificent scenery this is.

Comparable to paradise on earth.

Fischer has been mentally unstable these days.

Naturally, he didn't pay attention to what the TV broadcast said.

Otherwise, she would definitely not deny the existence of Youye Pure Land.

Su Han didn't wait for Fischer to react.

Just use the princess hug method.

Take the other person to browse this secret realm.

"This is Kunlun Mountain. It was once a fairy mountain where spiritual energy continued to gather. Although no real fairy was born, there are immortals living here.

Then there is the weather island, which is simply an island in the sky.

The whole thing is made of clouds.

There are various magical shells on it.

Flame shells are now on the market.

There are also jet shells, which are all produced here. Of course... the impact shells and explosive shells used in the army also come from here.

How about it?

Is it like Cloud Kingdom? "

In Su Han's explanation.

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