It is a monster formed from bones.

Naturally there is no blood.

However, such sword energy also made him extremely uncomfortable.

Inuyasha watched as the attack worked.

Start attacking frequently.

One sword after another.

The moves never stopped.

Although he has not yet mastered his flying sword, Inuyasha's fighting style makes full use of his power.

Until ten minutes later.

The dragon bone spirit's head was chopped into pieces with a sword.

Inuyasha breathed a sigh of relief.

"In this case, Tie Suiya will be mine... But this monster can take it away to exchange for merit..."

In Su Han's camp.

Everything is about merit.

As long as you have the ability.

You can exchange it for high-level training materials.

The corpse of Dragon Bone Spirit is naturally of very high value.

Whether it's forging weapons or armor.

Can make hundreds of pieces.

Even thousands of pieces.

After all, the opponent's strength is at the demon level.

Very rare.

Inuyasha took out a disposable space prop.

Contain the body.

Turned around and left this place.

Shortly after he left, a man wearing a baboon suit appeared in nearby Guangzhou.

Chapter 426 Arecino, who is so secretive, would you like to consider joining us?

"Has the Dragon Bone Demon been defeated as well?"

"It's really strange. Inuyasha's strength has improved so much. It's incredible..."

"It's a pity that I can't get close to that mysterious place."

"Negative must pry into all the secrets inside..."

This person is Naraku.

It was originally sleeping somewhere.

However, since Kagome arrived.

The opponent is starting to wake up.

But when he found Maple Village, he found that he couldn't get close at all.

Those humans were simply terrifying beyond belief.

He wanted to test it many times.

But they all found that their hopes were extravagant.

Regardless of possession.

Or choose to find out personally.

They will be expelled before they even get close.

Even if you react slowly, you will be attacked or even chased.

It's like a nightmare.

"But...I won't give up. There will always be opportunities to peek into God's secrets..."

Naraku slowly disappeared.

The evil in his heart grew more and more.


After Su Han learned that Inuyasha had killed the dragon bone spirit.

Then he ordered Tie Suiya to be handed over to the other party.

As for what will happen to this weapon in the future?

It's dissolution and recasting.

Inuyasha is still used as a decoration.

He didn't care at all.

However, when the order is given.

Su Han gave a strange order.

That is to let Kagome smash the Shikon Tama into pieces.

"Sixty-seventy" is the treasure that can store souls.

Items that can enhance the strength of monsters.

He actually wanted to destroy it.

As for why this is done.

No one understands.

The foot of Xianji Mountain.

Arecino wore clothes that covered his face and prepared to return to Liyue Port.

Because the surveillance nearby is too intense.

It made her feel very dangerous.

So I chose to leave for now.

However, when Arecino arrived at Liyue Port by train.

A familiar figure.

appeared in front of her again.

The other party was wearing high heels, a very charming long dress, and had a cold temperament.

Those silver eyes.

no doubt.

This woman was her former companion.

Rosalind Kreuzica Loefat.

The two men met each other.

Because Arecino did a perfect job of hiding his aura.

Therefore, even Rosalin did not notice anything strange about the other party.

Until the other party completely leaves.

Only then did Arecino's eyes return to their red crosses.

The other party is really not dead.

And it was given a new lease of life.

My guess is right! ! !

Damn Rosalin, you actually deceived all the fools.

Damn it.

Arecino wanted to send the message.

However, there are no more fools in Liyue Port.

It's hard to get the message across.

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