And the opponent's strength.

It's really good.

At least stronger than the two Inuyasha brothers.

This refers to before getting the flying sword.

Now Nellielle can't beat the intestines of two dogs.

everything's ready.

before the countdown reaches zero.

The ten members finally set off.

Chapter 434: Forcibly capturing Nellie, Grimmjow was killed instantly

At this time, the periphery of Xuye Palace.

On a deserted beach.

Ten people came here one after another.

Fischer frowned and said: "The environment here is too bad... It's like hell. There is nothing else except sand..."

"To be precise, this is hell...and the worst kind of hell."

Beidou, who had been here once, looked around the area.

Said slowly.

Soul Society is a world of death, so Hueco Mundo is naturally the deepest part of hell.

There are big voids everywhere here.

That is, evil spirits.

Both Fushe and Mandrill were doing this task for the first time.

Looking at a strange world.

Both of them felt very fresh.

At this time, Rosalin said to everyone: "Kurosaki Ichigo and others will arrive soon, let's allocate the tasks first... In view of the situation of finding Nellie.

Fischer and Hua Sanli were waiting outside.

The rest of us swooped inward.

No comments? "



Everyone nodded.

It will take a certain amount of time to find Nellie.

And with Oz Detective.

It will become very simple naturally.

As for Hua Sanli, he stayed here to ensure her safety.

Task assignment ends.

Everyone started to separate.

Part of them attacked Xuye Palace.

A group of people began to look for Nellie.

"Come out Oz, find my target..."

"As you command, Your Majesty the Queen..."

Nightcrow Oz gathers in the sky.

Start looking for Nellie.

Fischer and Hua Sanli kept a not too far distance.

Start looking for it.

You must know that the desert in Hueco Mundo can be very huge.

The search itself is difficult.

Almost ten minutes later.

Oz finally makes a discovery.

687 "Found it!!! Here..."

With Fischer's reminder.

Hua Sanli quickly approached in that direction.

And this time happened to be when Kurosaki Ichigo and Nellie met.

Just when this young man acting as the God of Death was about to say something.

A crow appeared in the sky.

"That is..."


"Is this also empty?"

The three people looked suspiciously.

At this time, the night crow flew towards the ground.

Just when it was about to land.

A flash of thunder light flashed.

A girl holding a long bow appeared in front of Kurosaki Ichigo and others.

The eye of the thunder god on his body.

All of a sudden, Kurosaki Ichigo knew the other party's identity.

"You are...from the world of Teyvat, right?"

"Well...yes, I am the Queen of Judgment...This time I am looking for someone from Nellie, it should be you..."

Fischer looked at the little one.

Instantly, the other party and her subordinate officers were startled.

This kind of coercive power.

This is not an ordinary person.

And at the same time.

A wisp of flame condensed in the air, and Hana Sanli, who had a white fox tail and was dressed as a witch, also appeared.

She grabbed Nilielle who kept retreating with her hands and said with a smile: "Hey... little guy, where are you going? My sister has been looking for you for a long time.

Do you want to come with us? "

"Whoa...who...are you...don't catch me."

"Sister, I am a fairy fox... Do you want to regain your strength and take revenge?

Follow me if you want to...if not.

My sister will send you back to the west! "

Terrifying flames burned above her head.

In the golden eyes, there is a meaning that cannot be refused (bcfe).

Nellie looked terrified.

His whole body was shaking.

Tears even flowed from the corners of his eyes.

That kind of murderous intent is no joke, he may really die.

But this time her subordinate officer came to the rescue.

As a result, not even the shadow in the scattered flowers could be touched.

He was shot and flew out.

"So what's your answer?"

"I...I am willing to follow you. Can you really help me get revenge..."

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