But it's better than death.

Watch the battle end.

Rosalin and Gan Yu came near them.

Simply admitting failure is not enough.

It is compulsory to plant a seal.

At the same time, Queen Shark is sealed and this is the end.

Otherwise, once Tiya chooses to resist.

It may bring danger to subsequent battles.

Rosalin took action to seal Tia, and the Lock of Heaven bloomed, even if the number one Arrancar came over.

It is also a result of death.

What's more, Tiya is only ranked third.

"Don't worry, we won't kill you...but we will imprison you for a while! As prisoners, we will give you preferential treatment...and we won't dissect you like the God of Death..."

"I hope you will abide by your agreement."

Weapons were confiscated.

The body was also seriously injured.

Now sealed.

Basically, Tia Harribel has no room for resistance.

Complete it all.

Rosalin looked at the task list in the group and said: "The progress is very fast, there is less than half of the battle left...The next step is to look at Beidou and Ulquiorra.

I hope these two won't struggle for too long. "

"It's better to pay more attention to Balegang and Stark. These two guys are the most difficult to deal with..."

Gan Yu said softly.

She didn't really care about Ulquiorra.

"Six Eight Seven" However, these two monsters, Balegang and Stark, are still a bit difficult to deal with.

Especially the former.

The power of decay.

It is a direct verdict of death.

Want to defeat him.

It's not that simple.

Rosalin nodded and said: "Don't worry, with the weapons Su Han gave us, who is not afraid of the other... Let's go, go to that floor and take a look... Now Ulquiorra.

He should be fighting fiercely with Beidou. "

Just when they go to the top.

The battle was really crazy.

Ulquiorra clicked his fingers together and fired three black flashes, heading straight for Beidou's front door.

The blade slashed lightly.

The virtual flash was easily destroyed.

"Hey... little brother, show your true power. It's boring to test it like this... How about a little excitement? And I won't pretend to be with you anymore..."

Ulquiorra frowned and said, "You didn't show your full strength?"

"Of course, it was just a warm-up exercise. Don't you think...that is my real power? Thunder Emperor..."

When Beidou liberates his own swastika.

When summoning the flying sword at the same time.

That violent breath.

Ulquiorra immediately understood that the opponent was really warming up just now and did not use all his strength.

For a moment, he was furious.

Fighting against him, he actually used all his strength.

Is this looking down on him?

"Second Stage Return to Blade..."

The dark rain of spiritual pressure fell crazily from the sky.

Terrible oppression.

This made Inoue Orihime in the distance feel even more uncomfortable.

But Beidou, who was the first to bear the brunt, smiled and said: "That's right... That's it. Only with this power can you fight me. Come on... after you get the flying sword.

I haven't fought an enemy yet.

You are one of them. "


There was a flash of light in the sky.

Wang Xu's flash came.

But Beidou has disappeared in place.

When Ulquiorra sensed something, he raised his hand and slashed with his sword.

The two collide with each other.

A terrifying wave of air erupted.

Beidou smiled grimly and said: "The speed has increased a lot, but... this is not enough, little brother... your second stage return sword is a bit weak to be honest."

Her Thunder Emperor state.

Coupled with the speed provided by the flying sword.

That could far surpass Ulquiorra.

"Ten Thousand Swords Cut..."

Beidou stretched his figure.

Raising his hand is a sword.

This sword exploded.

Then it turned into countless thunder and lightning and struck towards Ulquiorra.


Its coverage was so wide that Ulquiorra could only resist it.

Lightning strikes the body.

Huge paralyzing power.

Invading one's own body.

"No, this lightning can actually penetrate the skin..."

Ulquiorra, who returned to the second stage, reacted quickly and evacuated while carrying his injuries.

At the same time, look at the location of Beidou.

A flash of light was released.

Think of a way to delay the opponent's attack frequency.

But, almost at the same time.

Beidou came to him.

The long sword slashed away.

The current flying sword is basically pure lightning.

Ulquiorra used his own weapon to resist, but was easily destroyed, and the power of the sword also attacked his body.

Fortunately, he responded quickly.

This avoids the scene of the body being cut open.

"Thunder Spear..."

After retreating a certain distance.

Ulquiorra used his latest trick.

Powerful impact.

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