After Bailegang shattered the sword energy.

Countless meteorites appeared in the sky instantly.

Each one is hundreds of meters in size.

"Hmph... This kind of attack can be used against those useless Death Gods. I'm not afraid of that..."

Fingers lifted.

Three flashes of light flew out.

Directly smash all the meteorites into pieces.

When Bailegang looked back to find Rosalind, he found that he was in front of his field of vision.

He couldn't even find the other party.

But there were a lot of flames burning all around.

"Choose to hide? Humph...this kind of no better than dealing with children!"

Bailegang laughed ferociously.

The purple halo beneath his feet began to expand.

Flames all around.

Under this power, it actually started to go out.

Kujo Sanluo, who was watching the battle from a distance, frowned and said, "Can the fire of hell be extinguished? This Bailegang's strength is a bit terrifying..."

"It's not that it's extinguished, but that the power inside is decayed! Decay is really a magical power..."

Gan Yu gave the answer.

The power of Balegang has always been one.

That is decay.

The same goes for the flame going out.

When Bailegang advanced two hundred meters, a bunch of flames flew towards him.

The skeleton arm grabbed directly towards the opponent.

The flames shattered instantly.

"Hmph... a small trick!"

"Really? Stupid Skeleton Emperor..."

The flames all disappeared in an instant.

As disillusioned as a dream.

And Bailegang felt a sense of pain coming from him.

He looked down at his body.

All I saw was a body that I was proud of.

Now there is a blood red scar.

The power is constantly passing away.

" could this happen..."

The Skeleton Emperor himself.

But it is immortal.

Why...could it be...

Looking at the Immortal Slash in Rosalin's hand, the old man finally understood.

It was the weapon that hurt him.

But it just popped open?

"It's absolutely true that you have no brains... I have arranged the illusion from the beginning, but you, a stupid guy, didn't notice it...

Your power is tough.

I knew this from the beginning...

Because I understand that you are afraid of illusions, I have always used flames as hints.

The duel between masters only takes a moment.

And at that moment, I drew my sword..."

The flames rose again.

Become the chains of hell.

Keeping Balegang in check.

At this moment, the immortal earth realized that he had been stupid again.

And it's real death.

A moment's work.

The Skeleton Emperor dies.

The majestic soul power was completely absorbed by the gourd in Rosalin's hand.

"Sure enough, it's more fun to use your brain... By the way, can the guy hiding over there come out?"

As her voice fell.

A spiritual pressure shock wave flew over.

The flames were instantly extinguished.

And Rosalin returned to the crowd.

The broken gap.

Enter Keyarti Stark.

And his opponent is Gan Yu!

"Chase him, wolves..."

Witnessed the demise of Balegang.

Keyatei Stark was very cautious and chose to return to the blade from the beginning. He raised his hand and said coldly: "Infinite reloading of virtual flash..."





It shoots like a bullet with a false flash.

Everyone who saw it was stunned.

The number one Arrancar.

And he's also a person who broke through on his own.

The strength is really terrifying.

Gan Yu was holding a long bow and did not see any movement from her.

But he shot a lot of arrows.

Every false flash was blocked by Gan Yu with arrows.




She is constantly moving forward.

The closer they get, the more intense the battle becomes.

Because of the shortening of distance.

Gan Yu must shoot faster.

It lasted for three full minutes.

When she stood fifty meters in front of Keyatei Stark.

The Arrancar finally looked at the opponent squarely.

"What's your name? It's not Xu... You are so strong, you can get my approval..."

"Gan Yu, you are a fairy beast... Your strength is also very good, but it should be more than that. Let us carry out the next battle...

Swastika! "

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