There are also ways to practice.

It’s just that many people don’t know it.

However, in those fairy worlds.

The existence of ghosts and immortals.

There are simply too many.

And the method of soul cultivation.

It’s not that there is none.

Keyatei Stark was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then smiled: "Okay... I hope you didn't lie to me. Being a lone wolf... it feels lonely.

It’s so uncomfortable...”

The Heavenly Lock flew over.

That divine power.

It was difficult for this lone wolf to breathe.

At this time, everyone got notification sounds.

Mission accomplished.

[Ding... Congratulations to all of you for completing the difficult four-star team mission in the heavens and receiving the mission points reward: 600,000 points. 】

[Tip: You can choose to return directly, or you can choose to stay for a while. 】

[Remarks: The stay time is twenty-five minutes. 】

It looks like there is still time to stop.

Gan Yu and others all smiled.

Killing in all directions.

All virtual beings will be killed.

Without exception.

For these evil spirits, death is their destination.

While collecting soul fragments.

Fischer asked Rosalin: "I remember we still have natural teeth, why don't we use that sword to kill the Skeleton Emperor in Balegang?"

"It's very simple. The natural teeth are indeed very powerful against evil spirits. But... the Skeleton Emperor, whose attribute is decay, is probably not afraid of the power of the natural teeth.

Therefore, Immortal Slash is more appropriate to deal with him. "

"I see..."

Little Amy suddenly realized.

When the stay time is over.

Everyone evacuated from here one after another.

And Kurosaki Ichigo and others who came to the rescue were once again spectators. It wasn't that they didn't want to fight.

But this group of outsiders.

The target has already been chosen.

At the same time, the level of the battle just now was far beyond what Kurosaki Ichigo and others could withstand.

Low-level Arrancars can still fight.

However, high-level Arrancar.

They can only deliver food.

Inoue Orihime sighed: "I never would be them who saved me this time..."

"Even so, we still have to improve our strength. We can't let others save us every time."

Ichigo Kurosaki has now mastered the fighting style of the Arrancar.

However, it cannot be displayed.

He even felt like he wouldn't be able to win against Ulquiorra.

Such humiliation.

This made Kurosaki Ichigo feel very uncomfortable, and at the same time, he wanted to prove his strength even more.

And Ishida Uryu said: "Then continue training desperately, and... the culprit hasn't been caught yet..."

The Ten Blades perished.

Xuye Palace also became an empty shell.

However, Aizen did not disappear.

Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly woke up and said, "Yeah... I almost forgot about this..."

At this time Zaraki Kenpachi and others.

They also rushed over.

It looked like it had been reduced to ruins.

All the gods of death had strange expressions on their faces.

I heard that there are many strong people here.

How come there is no one here?

Could it be that this guy Kurosaki Ichigo did it all?

"Hey...Kurosaki Ichigo, what's going on here..."

"What else happened? The people who invaded Soul Society last time helped us..."

Hear his words.

Everyone was stunned.

I didn't expect the result to be like this.


But he said it was in Qunyu Pavilion.

Everyone returned after completing their mission.

Su Han came to Fischer and comforted: "Don't be discouraged, my queen... Failure is just a stepping stone to success, Oz's words are not serious.

All it takes is some thunder elements to recover. "

"Yeah, I understand...The Lord of Eternal Night..."

Get comfort from him.

Fischer's mood improved a lot.

Others handed the gourd storing soul fragments to Baiwen next to them.

These things are magic weapons refined by Su Han himself.

Imitate the soul box of a locust tree.

It can absorb soul fragments and store soul fragments.

It was just refined not long ago.

It came into use.

Really good.

Ulquiorra and the others looked at the surrounding environment, and finally their eyes fell on a woman with long purple hair.

Feel the gaze.

The other party snorted lightly.

In an instant, all three Arrancars groaned.

Kneel down on one knee.

This pure momentum of crushing made them understand the terror of the other party.

Just by momentum.

It can be suppressed.

If there was a real fight, the opponent might be able to take them down with just one move.

However, General Thunder did not stay here for long.

Nothing seems to happen.

So I grabbed little Amy and went to practice.

This middle-class girl seems to have attracted the interest of Lord Thunder God.

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