There was just endless darkness.

At this time, a cold voice appeared in the sky.

"Why does everyone have to force me..."

...... ....... .......

"Can we only fight?"

"But I don't want to hurt others..."

The sound was choppy.

And Su Han was even more certain.

This is Heulia's conscious world.

So, he raised his head and said: "It's not you who are's that era..."

The other party didn't give any response.

But the world is obviously a little brighter.

The voice sounded again.

But it wasn't Heulia, but a familiar voice from Su Han.

Morax, Emperor of the Rock.

"With your strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to continue the rest of the war... Let's stop here. I will accept your followers and ensure their safety..."

"Where are my friends?"

"I'm sorry, time is's not easy to be able to leave you alone."


Penetrating territory rock gun.

Hit Heulia deep into the salt layer.

At the same time, nearby shackles began to control it.

Some figures then ran out to resist.

But there are no exceptions.

All were overwhelmed by the counterattack force.

" partner, my"

"Blame me..."

"Blame me..."

"If I had known this... I shouldn't have become a demon..."


The voice became more and more crazy.

After witnessing everyone around him become salty.

Heulia's voice slowly became quieter.

At this time, a glimmer of light appeared in front of Su Han.

Where the light gathers.

You can even smell the charming medicinal fragrance.

Su Han approached the other party.

He found that Heulia's soul body had extremely dull eyes, as if it was an empty shell.

But it seems that the medicine is constantly taking effect.

The other party's consciousness is slowly condensing.

But... whenever the light point approaches, it is repulsed by a force.

This also results in a large amount of soul power.

cannot be absorbed.

"So, is this the reason why you don't want to wake up?"

Su Han said softly.

Similar to what happened in Ray's movie.

However, even Zhongli didn't do this at that time.

Heulia can't change the status quo.

The only difference is.

Zhongli took action, and that was all she could survive.

However, such extreme behavior.

But the weak demon suddenly became autistic! wide.

Chapter 441 Amber and Kelai, girls who value love and justice, arrive in Liyue

Su Han did not choose to forcefully wake up the other party.

Instead, he sat next to the Demon God of Salt and began to slowly tell the story of the world of Teyvat.

The beginning is the continuation of the Demon God War.

The whirlpool demon Osel was suppressed.

Ruotuo Dragon King was also imprisoned in Fulong Cave.

"Speaking of which, you may not believe it. That Whirlpool Demon God is such an unlucky old man... He originally thought he could crawl out of the ground, but in the end he was forced back by me.

It's so funny to me..."

"But Dragon King Ruotuo is quite funny. When I rescued her, she turned into a little loli... I called her Ruoruo, and now she holds a bucket of fried chicken legs every day.

I had a great time eating..."

"Next door to Liyue, Mondstadt...a lot of things happened..."

he said to himself.

Sometimes exaggerated descriptions are added.

Feeling depressed at times.

When talking about Rice Wife, Su Han's eyes lit up with happiness.

Because this is his wife's country.

He talked for a long time.

In the end, he collected the souls in the flowers.

There was no further narration.

Because it's already very late.

It's time for him to go back and rest.

"Okay... I will accompany you here today. I will continue to feed you tomorrow, probably... in the evening, I will be here... Goodbye Heulia~~"

Su Han's consciousness broke through the confusion.

"Six Eight Seven" returned to the physical body.

Slowly left the room.

And when he left completely.

In the silent space of consciousness.

Heulia's originally dull eyes seemed to have a hint of reaction.


The next day.

The streets and alleys of Liyue are full of tourists and vendors.

"The jerky made from sea animal meat... Come and take a look!!!"

"Can anyone take a look at the musical instruments made from monster bones..."

"Portable canned sea animal meat, if you need it, come directly..."


On the streets.

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