Hu Tao chuckled.

Apparently teasing others is for her.

is the most interesting.

The two men crossed the cave.

Came to the realm of the netherworld.

This is the world of the dead.

There were many ghosts nearby, flying towards the distance with dull eyes.

Hutao looked at it for a while and asked: "Where are you going to put the Star Tower?"

"Of course it's deep inside the border! What's the use here... Let's go!"


The two of them were hurrying up.

Finally, we reached the depths of the border not long after.

Only here.

They didn't see Hu Tao's grandfather.

I didn't see anyone familiar.

Su Han sensed the location and there seemed to be many obstacles nearby.

Blocking his prying eyes.

But that doesn't matter.

He came here this time not to find someone.

But here to cause trouble.

Take out the deep star soul tower.

Su Han placed it directly on the ground.

And chose fusion.

It’s different from just now.

After the Star Tower landed.

It did not create a vortex, but emitted a star-like light.

And flickering.

Communicating with the world.

At the same time, the tower also grew until it became a thousand meters high.

At this time, a familiar voice of frustration came from the clouds.

"You two guys, why are you here again? Do you think I am too quiet, old man..."

"We are here to do serious business. We are not here to have fun..."

"Hmph... How dare you say that every time I see you, something bad will happen. Huh? What is this... What do you want to do?"

Look at the majestic Star Tower.

Hu Tao's grandfather looked shocked.

This was the first time he saw such a scene.

Moreover, the little old man felt it.

The tower in front of him has a fatal attraction to him.

"What on earth is this? Su Han..."

"The Star Soul Tower is a special magic weapon that can accommodate souls and transform can be integrated into the underworld!"

"Change the soul? Are you crazy... The cycle of life and death in this world is the real truth. It's easy for you to get into trouble if you do this. Stop it quickly..."

Hearing Su Han's words.

The old man was very frightened.

How long has it been since I last saw you?

Why did my grandson-in-law start to take the "evil path"?

Looking at the anxious old man, Su Han asked: "Is there really reincarnation in this world? So the dead Yakshas... and the dead demons.

Where are their reincarnations? "

As soon as this statement came out.

The originally noisy old man.

It was quiet for a moment.

"But, you will disrupt the order of Yin and Yang..."

"If this is to disrupt the order of Yin and Yang, then I have done it countless times. Yasha, who had been dead for hundreds of years in Liyue, was resurrected by my own hands...

His name is Fushe!

I think Grandpa, you should, right?

Secondly, the former God of Thunder died in battle five hundred years ago, as well as Inazuma Omiyaji, and the Foxsai Palace was also resurrected by me...

After the deaths of these celebrities.

There is only one ending: complete disappearance.

So, does reincarnation really exist? "

Faced with Su Han's questioning again.

The little old man smiled bitterly and said, "It seems you know everything..."

"It's not about knowing, it's about drawing conclusions. The death of Hu Zhai Palace, Raiden Zhen, Fu She... the death of these people is the real death. I don't believe that only mortals can be reincarnated.

And these strong men cannot be reincarnated.

In fact, there is only one answer: after the body dies.

Souls will come here.

It’s not about waiting for reincarnation.

Rather, it consumes the power of the soul until it is completely destroyed...Am I right?

It can even be said that in order to maintain the balance of the world.

Reincarnation is just a joke.

Death is the reality...compared to the last time we came here, your soul is a little weaker..."

"Grandpa, you..."

"Well, now that you all know it. In fact, there is no secret anymore... Yes, how can the soul be reincarnated? It just dies and turns into pure power.

Just reorganizing..."

That's all for the sake of talking about it.

Hu Tao's grandfather did not continue to hide it.

In fact, there is a god in this frontier land.

But no one knows its name.

I don’t even know if the other person is a boy or a girl.

There are many people from other countries.

Just like the Walnut family.

is an agent.

You can come here to serve as an official after your death.

The task is to guide the soul.

The border land is the edge land of the Teyvat world.

Just like Yuanxia Palace.

And reincarnation represents death.

"So, don't do that kind of risky thing, otherwise...when the mysterious demon god gets angry, things will go bad..."

"Tch, what are you afraid of... Grandpa, you don't know, Su Han... um... um..."

Walnut originally said.

One of Su Han's wives is the God of Thunder.

But those words haven't been spoken yet.

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