Look at the granddaughter sticking out her tongue and making a face.

Old Man Hu also looked helpless.

This granddaughter is just like a little monkey.

There was no quiet at all.

After Su Han killed the monster, he said: "No matter how many things are killed, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. As long as the cracks continue to exist...the problem here will not be solved..."

".¨Yes, that's why. That's why I'm looking for you...I don't need to be able to repair this crack, as long as you can stop the monster's invasion speed like that lady."

The servant understood.

Such a big gap.

Even sealing it is difficult.

But Su Han started to think.

First of all, Liyue is my hometown.

It’s okay if I didn’t know before.

Now here comes the problem.

Naturally, we have to find a way to solve it.

Zhongli, Wendy, Thunder Movie and Raiden Zhen couldn't come over.

Relying on the power of immortals alone is not enough.

According to his estimation.

Xuanyuan Sword's entry was probably hindered.

"Would you like to try that thing..."

Su Han suddenly thought of a treasure, which was the treasure that Ayaka Kamisato had obtained before.

It greatly improves one's own strength.

Although it is quite wasteful to use here.

However, treasures can still be obtained if they are no longer available.

Just like the previous Spiral Tower of the Heavens.

Isn’t there also a leader who worships the moon?

Maybe the other party can explode.

The treasure Su Han thought of was exactly what Bu Tian used.

【Water Lingzhu】

When beads emitting blue light appeared in this space.

All the creatures looked over.

"This is...the water spirit bead! Su Han, do you want to use this bead to repair the space barrier?"

"Well... Nuwa's repair of the sky is actually about repairing space problems. So I think... even if the five spirit beads are a single thing, they should have this power (Zhao's good).

Let’s stabilize the situation here first.

If you no longer have the spirit beads, you can still get them! "

He clasped his hands together.

Inject a large amount of power into the spirit bead.

Then he threw the spirit bead towards the crack in the distance.

call out.

Blue light.

Drawing an arc, we came to the vicinity of the tear.

And Su Han shouted: "Open..."

He communicates with the spirit beads with his thoughts.

Although he does not have the strength of Nuwa.

But there must have been a secret door during the smelting of this kind of sky-repairing treasure.

Sure enough, I felt the fragmented atmosphere of space.

The water spirit bead bloomed with powerful light.

A huge blue water film spread out from the spirit bead.

The crack originally showed a swirling shape.

Slowly wrapped in a film of water.

The power of azure.

Keep going deeper into space.

Slowly the thick fog disappeared.

The broken places began to slowly be repaired.

The last one was a huge whirlpool with a range of ten kilometers.

Completely covered by a blue light.

"Wow...has it really been repaired?"

"It's a miracle..."

"It's not over yet. The simple water spirit beads only temporarily blocked the crack. Repairing a space is not that simple..."

Su Han said breathlessly.

Don't look at how easy it is for him to kill enemies.

This kind of space repair activity.

It's so damn tiring.

Chapter 449 A request from the soul messenger to launch a war to clean up the underworld Su Han

Space repair is completed.

Su Han was not in a hurry to leave.

But cooperate with the soul messenger here.

Slowly clean up those monsters.

At the same time, some special containers are also used.

Seal them.

Used for research.

Now my family is prosperous.

Naturally, it involves everything.

These monsters are all types that have never been seen before.

If you can study the essence.

Maybe there will be other discoveries.

Su Han collected ten monsters in total.

All the rest were beheaded.

At this time, Hutao was surprised to find that there was a thick fog on the border.

Slowly it began to dissipate.

"Wow... turns out this place is so beautiful?"

The girl looked up to the sky.

Countless stars fell down.

After the thick fog disappeared, the scenery here gradually became apparent.

Although not as beautiful as outside.

But there are cities and mountains here...it's almost the same as on the ground.

There are just few residents.

That's why it seems a bit desolate.

When the envoy who first received Su Han saw that the border had returned to its former appearance, he said excitedly: "I didn't expect you to have such ability..."

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