There was a horrific wound on the hard scales.

Blood rained down.

It was sprayed directly.

After one blow.

General Thunder and Lightning turned to look at the Ghost King and others.

These demonic figures shuddered one after another.

My heart is pounding.

If this woman looked back and struck, they would have to kick their legs.

The Ghost King said very tactfully: "Thank you Lord Thunder God for your help... If you need any help, you can directly tell me..."

"Continue to attack Qingyun, but don't kill yourself...just destroy this mountain gate!"


Seeing that the other person is not targeting yourself.

Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief.

General Thunder and Lightning came to Shui Qilin.

The huge spiritual master had an angry expression on his face.

Roaring and wanting to attack.

However, General Thunder and Lightning struck him with his sword and flew him to another mountain peak.

See this scene.

The demons and monsters no longer dare to paddle.

They all started attacking seriously.

Although you can't kill at will, if the other party doesn't know what to do.

It can still be killed.

The battle continues.

General Thunder came to Shui Qilin and asked: "Submit or die...choose a path...if you choose death, let this Qingyun perish with you..."

The spirit master was covered in wounds.

Hear what the other person is saying.

Finally lowered his proud head.

It doesn't want to surrender either.

But the woman in front of him was too powerful.

If you continue to insist.

I'm afraid there is only one way to die.

After subduing the water unicorn, General Thunder did not continue the attack.

Instead, we found a place with beautiful scenery.

Experience this great mountain and river.

My mission is completed.

Next, it’s up to Shenzi and the others.


On the mountain peak not far away.

Hua Sanli asked the girl next to her: "How is it? Do you want to surrender..."

"I would like to..."

Father has been given safety.

You can even show off your power.

Besides, even if I don’t surrender, what can I do?

This group of people is really too strong.

It's more powerful than I imagined.


And in the distant ancestral hall.

Witnessed the demise of the leader.

Everyone was in a very depressed mood.

But it happened that at this time, Puhong Lao Ballu began to talk about what happened back then.

When hearing the history of the demise of the small village.

And everything from back then.

Zhang Fan is so heartbroken.

His parents and everything else died in the hands of the bald donkey.

But he still thinks that the other party is a benefactor.

A lot of hard work.

Also keep secrets from each other.

"You guys...act like this, what do you think of ordinary always say that monsters are evil spirits. I don't think there is any difference between you and evil spirits..."

Zhang Fan finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Began to enter a state of rage.

The people next to him were shocked.

After all, he is clearly possessed by a demon like this.

"Calm down..."

"Let me calm down... You liars... You demons... Our village was completely destroyed by you!!!!"

Endless black energy was released from his body.

And in this state.

Everyone can see it.

This kid has gone crazy.

Just at this time, a disciple hurried over from outside.

I saw the other party looking sad and saying: "It's not good... the leader... the leader has been killed by a purple-haired woman. I don't know where the ancient sword of Zhu Xian fell...

Even the spirit master... became the other party's pet and was put on a collar! "

"What did you say..."

Everyone was shocked.

An elder from Qingyun looked at Zhang Fan who turned into a demon and said angrily: "There is no time to talk about this now, everyone should quickly respond to the enemy... As for this guy.

You should kill him first and then talk about it.

Now that Qingyun is in danger, do we still need to keep a devil cub? ”.

Chapter 455 Baguio faked his death and Zhang Fan became a demon, and the Qingyun Sect was completely shattered

The situation is critical now.

The leaders are all dead.

The spiritual master was also subdued.

Now there is a disciple who has fallen into the devil's path.

You should make a prompt decision.

"Kill this evildoer... maybe he is also a spy sent by those devil bastards..."

"No, Uncle Master...Zhang Fan!"

"Xue Qi! Stand back... You have no place to speak here. I know you want to plead for him... But as a person who is already possessed by the devil, do you also want to fall into the devil's path..."

Facing the master's scolding.

The girl in white shuddered.

He looked at the dark and angry young man.

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