Place it near the mountain next to it.

Slowly, another mountain range appeared near Renlian Island.

Next, we just need to dig out a large amount of mountains from Inuyasha's world.

This place will slowly fill up.

There is a saying that goes well.

No matter how deep the ocean is, it can always be filled as long as you work hard.

The current Narukami Island has been expanded by 20%.

A large amount of rock and land appeared around the island.

They were all dug from the mountains of Inuyasha's world.

Those idle monsters.

And the slaves.

All went digging in the mountains.

The excavated place was filled with the exception of Narukami Island.

For example, areas near Ganjin Island can also be filled up slowly.


Land enhancement.

What facilities does Inazuma Country want to build in the future?

Or planting some crops is very convenient in 5.4.

And this place on the deserted sea.

It has slowly become a holy place for cultivation in Daozuma Country.

Plus land expansion.

The scenery.

Not inferior to anywhere else.

Now there are many more spiritual mountains.

Gradually, it also started to feel like the world of Xianxia.

"What do you think about leaving that Shui Qilin guy here as a guard?"

"Okay, but...that big guy only has a lot of spiritual energy. In terms of strength, he can't compare with the Wind Demon Dragon."

"It's true... I need to find someone to train this big guy. If he wants food, he has to train... Every day when he sleeps lazily, he will peel off his skin and bones.

It's completely turned into material. "

"You...I don't care about this. You and Su Han can just watch and discuss it. I'll go back first..."


Watching General Thunder leave.

Yae Shenzi began to greet the soldiers and said: "Did you see it? The mountains have been paved... The next mountain rocks need to be transported with greater strength.

There is not enough explosives to direct the trench.

Hope you can make it within half a month.

This area can be linked together. "

"Yes, Mr. Yaegongji..."

The soldiers knew a mission was coming.

His face showed excitement.

Chapter 457: Liuyun borrows the power of Feng Zhenjun to give birth, and Yan Fei’s thoughts!

The soldiers began to get busy.

High-end magic weapon.

Of course they won't have it.

However, this kind of project can apply for a thousand square meters of Chensong pot as a means of transportation.

if not.

Such a long distance.

I will be exhausted to death.

And in the world of the Warring States Period.

After the order is issued.

The leader of the monsters said to his subordinates: "It's time to work again...start digging...this time the demand is huge!"

"But boss...we just finished the day."

"Fuck... Then do you still want to eat meat? Rice wife's delicious barbecue. If you don't have Mora, you can eat it with a hammer... If you don't work, get out. There are many people who want to work."

You don't have the ability to grow herbs like Di Nian'er.

Just go dig rocks..."

Facing a powerful boss.

These younger brothers didn't dare to say anything.

Because this boss likes to curse.

But it's really good for my opponents.

Although everyone is tired from work.

However, children can be sent to fairyland to receive education.

I heard that there used to be a half-demon girl named Zi Zhi, but now she has become a small boss.

What an amazing thing.

Naturally, their efforts are not just for their children.

Want to have a happy life.

Naturally, it cannot be separated from Mora and points.

Although digging mountains here is tiring, but... what kind of work is not tiring?

Moreover, in the past they could only eat some junk food, although they occasionally hunted game.

But it can't last at all.

Monsters don’t know how to tame and cultivate them.

All I can say is eat what you have.

Not all monsters are as large and orderly as those in the West Country.

Now the monsters have food and drink.

It's so exciting.

Look at the younger brothers who are busy.

The monster leader nodded with satisfaction.

There are too many projects.

Your life will also get better.

If this continues.

It won't be long.

You can lead your family to live a better life.

At this time, Ningguang and others watched the mission end.

We are also preparing to go to Sumeru Kingdom as an envoy.

After hearing the news, Tinari also chose to leave with him.

Because he felt that he should follow him back.

It will definitely play a role in promoting peace.

As for Ke Lai, he was left in Liyue for the time being.

"Be careful when you go...especially when you pass through some dangerous places. I think the fools are likely to target this incident. There are many ghosts in Xumi..."

"You...don't worry so much, Beidou and Keqing are here. It will be very safe..."

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