Both sides except the railway.

I also want to import more things.

It is a continuous import.

How many things are needed each month.

When the old man heard Beidou's words, he looked embarrassed and said: "Those guys... are really incompetent. They want to study everything... they have even forgotten basic etiquette and morality."

"'s not just the things we sell. The matter about Kelai's child was also initiated by scholars...even in the Solstice Kingdom.

In fact, some of it was fueled by Xumi's country. "

When facing Ning Guang.

The old man fell silent.

Tinari comforted him: "Sir... this is not your fault..."

"Ha...Yes, this is not my fault, but I can't be alone...Ms. Ningguang is right, it would be great if our Sumeru were like Liyue.

It is estimated that the tragedy will not happen.

Collet is not alone.

Not the last one either.

Even now, I hear about missing children.

But...what if?

Scholars who have been bewitched by knowledge have been completely lost... They don't even understand that some things cannot be explored..."

"When you are staring into the abyss, the abyss is also staring into you..."

Keqing's words made the old man tremble.

The other rangers also looked shocked.

This is a philosophical statement.

It's really deafening.

"You are so right...I have studied the reason why Kanria perished many times...excessive exploration will only lead to disaster.

The demise of the previous Grass God.


Those people simply don’t understand.

Just feeling like I have a handle on those things.

can become stronger.

There are even people..."

He did not continue to speak further.

Because it will cause dissatisfaction among some people.

But everyone who understands understands it.

Some existence of Sumeru.

Want to replace the Grass God.

In other words, I want to become a true god.

But it is very difficult for ordinary people to achieve this step.

Ever since, a group of people joined in.

In constant progress.

Ningguang and others saw the so-called Huachengguo.

There are oak houses everywhere.

It gives people a feeling of being very close to nature.

There are people inside and out.

When you see the light coming.

Everyone sprinkled the showers in their hands.



Just in the midst of laughter.

A hidden arrow flew in the petals, aiming at Ning Guang's neck.

It was a black silver needle.

The speed is extremely fast.

But before he even got close, he was cut down by a sword energy.

"Huh...have you finally shown up?"

Ke Qing transformed into thunder and disappeared directly in front of everyone.

After a moment, a ranger was thrown over.

The opponent held a bamboo tube in his hand.

The people around him were extremely shocked.

There is an assassin here.

"It's could this happen? He is actually an assassin!!!"

"Who is Fida?"

"The captain of our forest ranger team... treats people very gently, and he is also very gentle."

The man couldn't believe his eyes.

Keqing sneered and said: "The assassins of Winter Kingdom are so pervasive that Inazuma's Narukami Taisha Shrine was stuffed with spies... They were all adopted as children and directly brainwashed into idiots.

He didn't wake up until we arrested him.

Let me ask, shall I?

Illusion·Soul Illusion! "

I saw Keqing's hands forming seals.

A ninjutsu acted directly on Feida's body.

"What is your true identity? Who do you belong to..."

"The Solstice Kingdom... spy, affiliated with... Doctor... ugh..."

The words just fell.

A withered arm.

It burst out from the opponent's body.

Fida's body was then penetrated alive by countless arms and died.

This scene even scared the children nearby to cry.

Beidou frowned and said: "There are restrictions in the body..."

"It seems that this city is not simple either..."

Ningguang looked at the people.

I don’t know how many people here have betrayed the country.

Oh, how sad.

The assassin was spotted just after arriving.

This made Tinari and others very angry.

However, Ningguang suggested that the meeting should be held first and that other matters should not be rushed.

Only when the meeting in Huachengguo started.

Keqing and Beidou blocked the entire conference room using formations.

Golden light.

Covering the entire room.

"You...what do you Liyue want to do?"

"Why did you seal the room!!"

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

"Is it a conspiracy? Those assassins were probably directed and acted by you..."

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