"Can a space tunnel be opened here?"

"Of course...my strength has also improved a lot..."

Under the cloak, Bree showed a happy smile.

Her living conditions are very good now.

Spiritual food is provided free of charge every day.

At the same time, there are various elixirs to enhance strength.

Although it is because of his own ability.

Only then did he receive such an honor.

However, Bree could tell it from the other person's expression and body movements.

Ningguang and others respect themselves from the bottom of their hearts.

"Currently, eight space tunnels can be opened... However, this is already the limit. If you want to extend the distance... you have to move the Jade Pavilion closer to the direction of Xumi.

Otherwise my abilities will fail. "

"Well...that's enough. I can go to and from Xumi...if I have anything to do in the future, I can get there quickly, but...it won't be necessary for the time being on weekdays.

Think of it as a trump card. "


Bu Lei is inside the Liyue Bank.

Arrange the mirrors.

Ever since, he traveled through space and left this place.

And Keqing and others.

Then stay here and continue to do some things.

Now that Comrade is open.

Then the next thing becomes simple.

At this time, there is no dense forest in Xumi.

After a period of cultivation.

Arecino has recovered most of her injuries, and today a special person came to her.

The other person has orange hair.

He is clearly the executive officer of the Fools of the Solstice Kingdom.


"How did you come?"

"Of course I don't trust you. By the way...you didn't report everything about Liyue's situation, did you?"

"Huh? What do you mean...I will definitely hide it?"

12. "No...it's just a guess. Although Su Han and I have only met a few times, but...based on my understanding of that guy, I definitely won't let him leave easily..."

Arecino's eyes were dark.

No explanation was given.

Dadalia smiled and said: "Don't worry, I didn't bring any eavesdropping equipment. I don't have any recordings... You should believe me...

News just came from the front.

Ningguang and others have arrived at Huachengguo.

We need to go and help. "

"My injury is not healed, so I can't help..."

"Hehe, I'm just suggesting it! In fact, we couldn't keep each other in the past. Beidou and Keqing were with us, those two fierce women.

I don't want to fight.

If Su Han is here.

I don't know how much their strength has improved...but that guy, the captain.

But they strongly urged us to go over.

It's really difficult... By the way, I need to tell you something before I leave. Harlequin is investigating you...be careful. "

Dadalia left soon after.

The people accompanying him were hundreds of masters of fools.

Ningguang serves as the controller of Liyue.

This time they are sure to win.

Arecino didn't go out or do anything.

Instead, he stayed in the room and continued to recover.

However, no one knew what happened just now.

But she went through the mission group of the heavens.

Passed the information to Ning Guang.

Harlequin will investigate himself?

Ha... I'm afraid there are monitors outside.

I'm just sorry.

You can deliver information without going out.

Winter Country.

He can't beat Su Han 100%.

One who can obtain unlimited treasures from other worlds.

Who else can I ask?


An hour later, Dadalia joined the captain.

"What about her?"

"Still recovering from his injuries. According to the soldiers' investigation, there is no action. It doesn't seem like betrayal...and the other party is seriously injured."

"Well...just don't move. As long as this thing is successful, the other party will be cleared of suspicion...But that Rosalin, I didn't expect that she faked her death.

It's a pity, it would be nice if I could execute it myself. "

"I can't catch that woman anyway, so I have to rely on you..."

"Hmph... As long as you understand."

"By the way, how many people have we sent this time? Moreover, such a large attack will make Xumi vigilant..."

"So what? Zhidong Kingdom and Liyue are hostile forces. And they have declared war. As long as we don't hurt Xumi's people, they can't say anything.

As for the people used this time.

All I can say is that even if Su Han comes, he must stay..."

Under the captain's mask.

He showed a terrible expression.

It has failed many times before.

But it made them suffer a lot.

And Ningguang's trip this time gave the fools a glimmer of light.

If Su Han is captured.

Then you can use the other person's character to ask for those secret things in exchange.


The method of cultivation.

And the Fairy Mountain.

All things are desired by fools.

Even if it is possible.

They also want to get their hands on the World Tree.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

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