An aura like a ferocious beast came from inside.

Are there other enemies?

Dadalia's body was blown away by a cyan fist.

Then a tall, cold man slowly walked out from inside.

"This is a restricted area!"


Dadalia clutched her painful abdomen, her eyes full of shock.

Who is this man?

I've seen it on TV before, it seems to be used to resist monsters from the abyss.

But... isn't the other party in Dao Wife?

Why does it appear here.

Dadalia's eyes turned cold and he said: "It seems that the battle is getting more and more interesting..."

His figure flickered, the lightning spear in his hand.

Just stab it.

However, the opponent just tilted his head slightly to dodge the attack.

"The movement is too slow... Although your martial arts skills are good, but... you don't know how to see things... your offense is of no use at all."

At this time, Dadalia launched a crazy attack.

All of them were dodged by Katakuri.


Keep track of how hard the other person exerts himself.

Unavoidable moves.

Katakuri will become elemental.

His body turned into a rice cake and he dodged directly.

Such a battle.

How did Dadalia experience it, could a human body become like this?


He retreated backwards, panting continuously.

"What's going on with you?"

"Devil Fruit... As for seeing through your actions, it is the color of seeing through Haki. I am a man who can see into the future... If you don't have the same power.

In front of me, there is no resistance. "

"Oh? From your doesn't seem like you're using all your strength, so I'd like to ask for advice..."

"Really? You want to see my power... Well, since you are good at martial arts, I will let you see... my unique power.

Fruit·Awakening! "

Original oak land.

Suddenly it became softer.

The surrounding houses also turned into glutinous rice.

"This is the awakening of the devil fruit. My power...can affect everything nearby. Take the move...Kyuzu Rice Cake..."

Countless fists attacked from all directions.

The speed is ten times faster than before.

And so is the quantity.

Dadalia's scalp was numb.

Start moving quickly.

But, even if you look at his speed.

Under Katakuri's sight, there was no chance to dodge.

He was knocked away with just the second punch.




Countless fists kept falling.

Its power is great.

Directly smash the armor into pieces.

At this moment, all of Dadalia's dignity was shattered.

He was defeated by Su Han before.

He admitted that his skills were inferior to others.

But now he was fucked to pieces by a stranger.

His dignity was completely ruined.

Less than a minute.

Dadalia was dying.

Katakuri didn't kill the opponent because... he could tell that this was a man who was wounded in battle.

If you continue to fight.

Victory without force.

"It's a're not in your prime, you're really boring..."

Katakuri put on his mask.

Just wanted to leave.

The reinforcements of the Fools are coming.

Thousands of soldiers.

Plus some assassins.

There were also other executives who all rushed forward.

The battle situation became increasingly chaotic.

Dadalia failed though.

However, it bought time for other soldiers.

among those who are full of fools.

You can even see several people emitting strange auras.

Some manipulate bird-like thunder.

Some control the flaming crows.

The fighting style is amazing.

Katakuri was actually held back.

At this time, a special robot walked towards the room.

It's just that it's also like Dadalia.

He was sent flying by a powerful attack.

".¨Now it's time for me to show up..."

InuYasha walked out of it carrying Tetsugaya.

Look at those robots.

He sneered and said: "Well... there are so many enemies? Master is in a hard battle, but... don't worry, I will crush them all for you. Wind injury..."

Inuyasha jumped high into the air.

The iron broken tooth in his hand lit up with cyan light.

Countless winds.

Blooming from his hands.

Those robots were directly shattered by the sword energy.

Sandone in the sky frowned and muttered: "Why are there so many troubles... Didn't I say that the only people who came were Keqing and Beidou?

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