And the sage was naturally not idle either.

Start busy contacting other sages.

This incident is very sensitive.

An accident.

It could turn into something bigger.

Therefore, he must unite others.

Drive away the Liyue people.

The sage even wanted to rely on this incident to seize control of Huachengguo in one fell swoop.

All the time.

That place is under the control of that old fox.

Maybe today is an opportunity.

The messenger rides on something similar to a magic carpet.

The news was quickly conveyed.

The soldiers gathered quickly.

Set off that afternoon.

And wait until evening.

An extremely fierce quarrel broke out near the gate of Huachengguo.

"Where did you come from? Why did you drive away the craftsmen from Liyue..."

"We received instructions from above that the Liyue people have invaded Huacheng and need our suppression."

Hear the soldiers.

The rangers were furious.

He said in his heart: When people came from the Winter Country yesterday, you didn’t dare to come.

Now he is here to show off his power.

How disgusting.

At this time, Tinari pushed away the people and said to the soldiers: "We don't have Liyue soldiers here. These are here to help us build the city..."


"If you don't believe it, you can come in and check it out! But I want to report one thing to the superiors. The Solstice Kingdom attacked us the day before yesterday. How do the superiors plan to deal with it?"

"Solstice Kingdom attack?"

The soldier looked confused.

Aren't you here to fight the Liyue people?

This is a night attack in the winter country.

What's the situation?

Under the guidance of Tinari.

The soldiers saw countless machines and the corpses of Winter Kingdom.

Now the truth is revealed.

Everyone fell into silence.

Why is it different from what was explained above?

The city in front of us is slowly being built.

It can be seen from the ruins next to it.

Large wars have indeed broken out before.

Some trees still have signs of burning.

Even in the distant mountains and forests.

There are also the marks left by the sword energy bombardment.

At this moment, the soldiers were confused.

Tinari explained: "Actually, this matter is very simple. I also understand why you came to ask questions... What I want to explain is that this time it is the Liyue people's Tianquan Ningguang who came to Huachengguo. .

Discuss the railway matter.

At the same time, trade will be strengthened

As a result, a traitor informed the fools at night.

So a war broke out.

These things are evidence.

I don’t understand why Lord Sage sent you to coax the Liyue people away.

But one thing I'm sure of.

The Winter Kingdom is our enemy.

The facts are before our eyes.

You can go and see it, you can ask...all the citizens will answer your questions.

If someone cheats.

Can't everyone cheat?

And, we also have videotapes..."

Facing the sincere Tinari.

These soldiers all showed shocked expressions.

What is the truth of the matter?

Soon they found out.

In the face of overwhelming evidence.

These people understood what was going on.

This is a game of thrones.

Xumi Temple.

Probably trying to cause trouble again.

"If you don't know where to go, just stay occupy Xumi, not to mention Liyue won't spend so much money, if you really want to occupy it.

Why not let the immortal come over? "

"It seems it's our fault this time..."

"'s the right, please present the evidence. Tell those weird-minded guys that our Sumeru has never been invaded. On the contrary, I really want to know more about it.

Why...those people didn't mention anything about the Solstice Kingdom?

Huachengguo was destroyed by the people of Winter Kingdom.

Don't we even have a voice? "


There are also videotapes.

was exposed.

It was not brought back by soldiers.

Instead, Ning Guang used the explosive shot lurking in Xumi.

Lots of realistic photos.

There are also textual descriptions.

There is even the origin of the incident.

Including the accountability of the Xumi Order.

All in this incident.

Ningguang said in a high-profile manner that he would be held accountable to the end.

Let’s see what kind of peace Xumi has.

They came here to be attacked and misunderstood.

If not give her an answer.

Then, Xumi will be listed as the second hostile country after Winter Kingdom.

There will be a military strike.

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