Hear the words of the messenger.

The sage was furious.

But the other party took out a document and said: "This is the document of the Great Sage and others... Please take a look..."

"I want to see how they dare to do this to me."

The sage took the document and just glanced at it.

The whole body instantly became cold.

His eyes kept shrinking.

What did you see?

"How dare they...invade on such a large scale? Aren't they afraid of our counterattack..."

"I'm sorry, Lord Sage, our Xumi country does not have the military strength to resist the other party, and... this time, the three countries are working together.

There's something you might not understand.

Tianquan Ningguang is Su Han's woman.

It can also be said to be a wife.

Did you know... Su Han has another wife?

That is Inazuma's Raiden Shogun.

There were public statements in newspapers.

Tianquan Ningguang's identity is recognized by even Daozhu's God of Thunder...Do you understand now...provoking that strong man.

It's tantamount to provoking other people's family.

It's like, you're jumping around... mocking Thor.

The great sage said that this is just a threat of force. If we don't respond within a short period of time...

Next step.

It may be that three gods came to Sumeru.

You probably don’t want to see this scene, right〃~? "

Hear the messenger's reply.

The sage has fallen to the ground softly.

His whole body was extremely cold.


My previous pride was entirely based on my status as a sage.

They can even disdain the Grass God.

So what about a mere Tianquan Ningguang?

However, arrogance is the most terrible shortcoming of human beings.

Now come this far.

It's entirely his own fault.

"The Great Sage... said, what should I do?"

“I don’t know, but... the great sage said that Tianquan Ningguang’s anger must be appeased, and... he will inform the Sumeru Kingdom about this attack on the Winter Solstice Kingdom.

Will be strongly condemned.

And track down the bad guys..."

"It turns out we've come this far..."

Now he understood it completely.

Today's thing.

It's your own fault.

The sage stood up and said: "I know what to do...you go..."


The messengers left one after another.

The sage glanced at the palace behind him.

He took his men and went to Huachengguo in person.

At this time, in the country of Xumi.

It has completely turned into a mess.

No one would have thought of it.

Liyue, Mengde, Daoqi.

It would be such a sudden attack.

But if you think about it carefully.

Easy to find.

This incident was entirely due to improper handling in Xumi.

No matter from a business perspective.

Or from a personal perspective.

It's all too arrogant.

Who is Tianquan Ningguang?

A big businessman from Liyue.

The current person in power.

Su Han's wife.

The woman Thor acknowledged.

How dare you offend such a character.

I really don’t know whether to live or die.


Inside the Palace of the Grass God.

Many believers came to Little Lucky Grass King and asked for help.

"I beg you...this matter must be settled, otherwise...our Sumeru will suffer..."

"Please, little Lucky Grass King."


Faced with the calls for help from believers.

The grass god said calmly: "No need to worry... tell the people below that there is no need to be afraid... things will calm down."


"Believe me, things will calm down. The evil caused by those sages will be calmed down by themselves. And Su Han is not a person who likes to invade other countries.

People outside always spread rumors that the other party has occupied Daowei, and the other party has occupied Mondstadt.

In fact, they were both wrong....

Mondstadt is recognized by the God of Wind, and there are many problems in the country, just like here.

And the same goes for Rice Wife.

The wise does not buy rumours.

You should also calm down so you can see the truth clearly...

In this matter, we Xumi were indeed at fault.

Ningguang and others came to help us, but... after the attack, they actually sent someone to hold us accountable. How would you feel if it were you?

Come with good intentions.

But it was met with malicious speculation. "

Facing the God of Grass.

All the believers fell silent.


This matter is uncomfortable for anyone.

"Okay, you can go about your normal business...don't worry about this!"

The comfort of facing the grass god.

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