He is nothing but an outcast.

Who controls Xumi?

Who has the most rights currently?


It is the great sage who is aloof.

Dialogue between countries.

This was not something that a sage from his academy could negotiate with.

Who does that great sage think he is?

Can everything be solved without being there in person?

Well...this will let you know what will happen if you despise us.

Ruotuo Dragon King's blow.

It can be said that this marked the beginning of the war.

Even this sage from the Wahuna faction was actually prepared to die.

However... Ningguang is still not satisfied.

"I'll give you twenty minutes. If... within this period, the attitude is still not enough... the war will start. I just gave you a lesson."

Let me introduce it by the way.

The one who just launched the attack.

Name: Ruotuo Dragon King. "

Say it.

Ning Guang turned and left.

Not even looking at the sage kneeling on the ground.

"Hey... you old guy, do you only know how to watch a show? The original factional fight was just that. The other party just destroyed a territory of our country."

"Hmph...what can I say? The other party is so angry...it's all my fault...if you weren't so stupid, you could have reached this point..."

Facing the scolding of his sworn enemy.

The sage from the Wahuna faction snorted coldly and quickly sent someone to get the communicator.

He reported everything to the great sage.


At this time, the Xumi Order was in the courtyard.

All the wise men gathered together.

After hearing what happened.

Everyone turned their attention to the leader of the Great Sage.

Things now.

It has completely exceeded the budget.

Faced with such a situation.

The great sage sighed.

It turns out that the problem lies here.

I really learned all my skills from dogs.

He devises schemes.

But there was only one miscalculation.

That is...the problem is not with the Wahuna faction, nor with the Solstice Kingdom.

Rather, it is a distinct attitude.

Since he, the great sage, controls countless forces.

At the same time, Sage Wahuna is also in charge, so...he should be responsible for this matter.

Of course, the great sage doesn’t have to go.

Then, this title will be given to the Grass God.

Ning Guang's plan is very vicious.

This forced him to be embarrassed.

If you don't come forward on this matter.

Then once the Grass God comes forward to calm the incident.

The reputation I have accumulated over the years.

Or maybe all the reputation accumulated by the Xumi Order will be wasted.

"Then, Great Sage, you..."

"We must go, no matter what the price, we must quell this incident, otherwise... our faction will plummet..."

"I see."

All of you here are smart people.

One sentence.

You can figure out everything.

The Great Sage stood up and said to someone: "Not just me is going... everyone else is going! Today... we will represent Sumeru.

If anyone dares not to go.

Then it means that he is not worthy of being a sage of Sumeru..."

This move catches the duck on the shelf.

Also really sinister.

The faces of the sages changed one after another.

However, there is no way.

After a while, everyone stood up and expressed their willingness to go together.

About ten minutes later.

Along with the arrival of special flying instruments.

The great sages descended on the Huachengguo area.

But... when they arrived, they found that... things were not as simple as they thought.

Because now the live broadcast is started.

And...it depends on what Ningguang means.

Will definitely be released.

In other words, those on the border...are watching every move he makes.

"What a terrible woman..."

The great sage quickly landed and led everyone to Ningguang.

I saw him saying apologetically: "You really caused a lot of trouble this time... It's all our fault that Xumi is incompetent... I'm really sorry..."

The mountainous area was obviously bombed.

But you have to show humility.

It's a pity that Ningguang didn't accept that approach at all.

Just looked at him coldly.

"Is it because you are incompetent, or are you colluding with the Winter Kingdom... Not long ago, the Xumi Order wanted to cooperate with us in Liyue. Let us invest 50 million molas.

Build you a railroad across the country.

However, the price is just to give us some knowledge...

Don't you think it's ridiculous?

Also...we suspected our Liyue garrison the day before yesterday?

Okay... Now I'll garrison the troops for you to see. What do you want, Great Sage... Do you want to join the Winter Kingdom and become our enemy in Liyue?

Su Han just said... I haven't fought for a long time recently. "

When facing Ning Guang.

The great sage was suddenly frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

All gestures disappeared.

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