Mandrill: "I can't even go to this fantasy dungeon."

Hutao: "Uh... I probably can't either..."

Rosalin: "Heh...a group of guys with low willpower, let me go...this kind of mission requires three people, and I will be one of them."

She is not afraid of the phantom formation.

Even if it's an artifact.

Rosalin is confident enough to break through.

Mona: "Uh... As for me, do you want to try it? I do have astrology... I should be able to decipher the phantom formation... What do you think, Su Han?"

Facing the girl's question.

He quickly gave the answer.

Su Han: "It's useless for you to go... Fu Xiqin's formation is dangerous and terrifying... It's really scary. Since the two Yakshas aren't going either... Then, let me think about it...

Shen He, are you going? "

The other party practices the Bingxin Technique.

And strong-willed.

It will definitely get the job done.

At least it can add quite a bit of help.

So there are two people.

As for the last person.

Lisa: "So there's only one left left? Whoever goes... must be strong-willed... and have a certain amount of strong fighting power."

Yura: "Let me go. I haven't been active for a long time... It's quite suitable for me to go for such a task!"

Two ices and one fire.

The cooperation is pretty good.

The lineup is finalized.

The three people began to prepare for the mission.

Ye Lan: "Speaking of which...will there be a battle in such a mission? It should be a battle in the spiritual series..."

Jiu Qi Ren: "It seems so... because once lost, it means the failure of the mission. As for the detailed situation. Please give Mr. Su Han a detailed explanation..."

Su Han: "To put it simply, Fu Xi Qin is inside the grotto, and it is placed there openly... But from the moment he entered the grotto.

No matter who it is, they will enter the illusion formation.

No matter it's an enemy or something... they will fight in the environment, and only those who are awake can complete the mission. "

This copy is deceptively simple.

In fact, it is also very difficult.

Being strong is useless.

Only with strong willpower can we win.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

Everyone repaired it for about ten minutes.

So, he chose to perform the task.

Along with the dissipation of the body.

When the screen lights up.

Everyone discovered that this grotto was located in a small desert.

Nearby are numerous Buddha statues.

Even from a long distance away, one can feel the terror of this Buddha statue.

Youla frowned and said, "Why do I always feel like someone is staring at me..."

"Su Han said that Fu Xiqin has become a demon... Therefore, the Buddha statue is fake, and the real power affects our minds. The more we pay attention to this.

The more it will be affected.

So, let’s close our eyes.

Don't believe any voice.

Don't believe any illusions either.

Believe in your heart..."

"Well, what Shen He said is... let's go!"

The three people closed their eyes.

Instantly, the pressure was much less.

Shen He walked forward.

It only progressed less than 500 meters.

A voice came to my ears.

"Kid...I bought you a lollipop...come and eat it, they are all candies that are popping up outside..."


This voice was extremely familiar to her.

It's my mother's voice.

"Don't be affected and move's all an illusion!"

An icy chill.

Passed from Yula's hand.

All illusions were shattered instantly.

Shen He nodded and moved on.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

Everyone looked at the phantom condensed near Shen He and gasped.

Wendy: "This thing is so scary... Even if you close your eyes, your heart will be peered into... The top ten artifacts are too scary."

Lisa: "This is just the beginning, the real difficulties are yet to come. Look... there is an additional figure next to Yola, I remember...

Is that the killed Schubert? "

Su Han: "Yes... colluded with the fools, leaked the map of Mondstadt, and deserved to die..."

Paimon: "Fortunately I didn't go there, otherwise, it would have been really scary..."

It's like this even when I close my eyes.

Then people who enter this place by mistake.

How terrible would it be?

Accompanied by three people moving forward.

There are more and more phantoms.

There is even a layer of fog gradually appearing.

However, three people held hands.

Never separated.

Even if someone is slightly affected.

Also woke up quickly.

So and so.

He began to slowly approach the Dunhuang Demon Cave.

The hallucination seemed to disappear suddenly.

But all three of them stopped.

Ying: "Huh? They are..."

Raiden Zhen: "Affected by the hallucination... Look at the faces of the three people, they are already sweating profusely... It seems that the closer they are, the stronger the power of the hallucination is.

I just don’t know what happened to each of them.

This terrible weapon, if only we could have it.

There is no need to be afraid of any number of enemies. "

The sword can kill.

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