Very messy.

There is no such essence.

The scholars obtained the Buddhist scriptures as if they had obtained a treasure.

Start practicing continuously.

Great Thunder Sound Technique.

Golden Body Technique.

Buddhist Lion Roar Kung Fu.

Various spells and martial arts emerged from the Buddhist scriptures.

Regardless of the method of cultivation.

It’s still the martial arts that trains the body.

These scholars were ecstatic.

And the top floor of the Arcane Throne.

Lisa said to the old man: "You should know what to do, right?"

"Yes, sir... I understand with a smile!"

The old man kept nodding.

He was originally a Sumeru man. Although he was not as good as those sages, he was also a quite knowledgeable researcher.

Later, the family members were in Xumi country.

Assassinated by fools.

Out of grief and anger, he left his hometown.

She was taken in by Ningguang a few months ago.

Now it comes in real use.

"All mysteries are entrusted to you, don't let us down... If you can stir up Sumeru's resistance to the Winter Kingdom, then your enemies can be killed!"

"Yes... I understand, little one."

The old man nodded slowly.

He was wearing a cassock.

The hair on his forehead was also shaved.

His body was even covered in incense.

Like an enlightened monk.

But actually, I also ate xiaolongbao in the morning.

However, the old man is also strong.

It only took two hours to study the Buddhist scriptures thoroughly.

Get ready to go to Xumi to exert your strength.

Before leaving, he brought with him many Buddhist scriptures with rubbings and seals, as well as many Buddhist classics.

Ready to start a new journey.

And the name of this old monk.

Then Su Han changed it to: Bodhi.

Inside Qunyu Pavilion.

Look at the information sent by Lisa.

Ningguang couldn't help but laugh and said: "This move is really sinister... It makes them kill each other... and they are not allowed to come to Liyue to promote it. It's really cruel..."

"There is no other way. If our soldiers and people all become monks... who will protect our homeland? It will be enough to disgust the scholars in Xumi.

I don't want to make myself sick. "

Buddhism is disgusting.

Su Han knows better than anyone else.

Make people become neither humans nor ghosts.

It's quite disgusting.

However, it is used to break through other countries.

Especially for Sumeru.

Undoubtedly, this is a cost-effective method.

Even, Su Han felt that if the plan succeeded.

You can even completely cure those sages from being autistic.

You like playing with knowledge, right?

very good.

I also like to play.

Everyone laughed.

At this time, Mona said: "Okay... We didn't have time to pay attention to the special offer during the battle a few days ago. Now the special offer is half over.

Don't look at that again.

It’s about to expire..."

Raiden Zhen: "Yeah... I just wanted to remind you. It's almost evening... Let's see which one needs to be exchanged. If not...

Just give up for now. "

Su Han: "Let me take a look..."

Open the Heavens mission group.

Two special offers this time are presented in front of me.

[Name]: A Buddhist three-level lotus platform

[Original price]: Five million points

[Discount]: 10% off

[Current price]: 500,000 points

[Introduction]: A Buddhist magic weapon originating (bcfe) from the Nezha world. Since it is not an authentic Buddhist world, the lotus platform only has the power of an immortal product.

[Efficacy]: Suppresses evil spirits, is invulnerable to all means, is not affected by any external demons in the lotus platform, and can be ignored directly if the strength is lower than the immortal level.

[Function]: A certain amount of Buddhist power is required to activate the lotus platform, that is, special spiritual energy. Otherwise, it will not be able to recognize its owner, and it will not be able to exert its true strength.

[Remarks]: The immortal magic weapon of Buddhism belonged to a certain Buddha in the distance. Later, he was suppressed and killed in the war, causing the magic weapon to be lost in different time and space.

It contains powerful defense power and belongs to the defensive magic weapon type.

[Special]: The third-grade lotus platform has special power. You can survive the sea of ​​suffering by sitting on it. It cannot be invaded by any force and can defend against powerful magic weapons.

If the power of Buddhism is activated, the defense will be strengthened and a huge protective shield will be formed. The duration will vary according to the power.

[Reminder]: It contains the technique of growing golden lotus from the sea of ​​suffering. You must be the owner of the magic weapon to practice it, and you must be a compassionate person.

[Countdown]: Two days, twenty-one hours and twenty-five minutes

Look at the first thing.

Su Han hesitated.

Don't know if I should exchange it.

Because this thing is a little special.

It must be activated using Buddhist techniques.

It seems that no one around him currently practices this.

Seeing Su Han's expression, Ningguang stepped forward and asked: "Are you hesitating...are you unable to use it after redeeming it?"

"'s mainly about Buddhist techniques, which I'm a little bit resistant to..."

"No...there is no distinction between good and evil in Kung Fu. You told me this once. If no one comes to use can leave it to me!"

Everyone looked at the speaker.

The other party's eyes were indifferent.

Without any fear.

This turned out to be the Great Sage of Conquering Demons.

Su Han's eyes lit up instantly.


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