Because of the knowledge they control.

He was released casually.

Moreover, the scriptures inside are quite powerful.

"What on earth is this... Buddhist scripture?"

"I don't know, I heard it is very powerful... Even today, I heard students say... that all living beings are equal, and if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell..."

"This sentence is quite interesting..."

"Huh...interesting? I'm afraid it's Liyue's conspiracy..."

"how to say?"

"If all living beings are truly equal, then who are we sages... Are we also common people? We have so much knowledge, so we are superior..."

Looking at the old man's angry speech.

One of the sages said: " the Buddhist scriptures, there are not only scriptures, but also methods of cultivation. Today, one of my disciples.

He actually learned a skill from it.

At first I thought it was a joke.

However, the other party can guess what I want to do next with his eyes closed... What explanation is there for this? "

733 "What... there is such a thing!"

Everyone was shocked.

No one expected it.

There is also this profound meaning in the Buddhist scriptures.

The great sage said quickly: "Hurry up and take it out so I can take a look..."


Buddhist scriptures were placed in front of everyone.

Five molas per book.

It's simply selling at cost price.

However, everything sold was snatched up in one fell swoop.

Many Sumeru people who didn't get it could only copy each other.

After reading what was inside, the great sage looked shocked and said: "'s actually like this...there is indeed a skill hidden in it. You only need to study the Buddhist scriptures to achieve it..."

But why would Su Han do this..."

Buddhist scriptures came from Liyue.

And the price is incredibly cheap.

If there is nothing fishy.

He wouldn't believe it.

That woman in Liyue is so vicious, let her do good deeds.

Only a ghost would believe it.

But...the exercises are real, and so are the Buddhist scriptures.

And the truth contained in it.

It's not a lie either.

Definitely a great wisdom.

The great sage thought for a long time.

There is no way to guess what the other person is thinking.

After all, it takes a lot of effort.

Aren't you afraid that after Xumi becomes stronger, he will turn against them?

If it is to support the grass god.

There is no need for this.

Can't figure it out.

I really can’t figure it out.

"Great Sage...what should we do? Should we collect all these Buddhist scriptures..."

"Collect them all. Singing is not allowed for the time being. There must be a conspiracy here... It's just that I haven't understood it yet. Let's study more Buddhist scriptures in the past few days.

Let’s see what kind of medicine is sold in Liyue people’s gourd. "


Several sages shouted quickly.

And the great sage began to study it seriously.

Within Sumeru.

Countless soldiers were collecting these scriptures.

"What are you doing? We bought these verses..."

"The sages of the Xumi Order think there is something wrong with the scriptures, please hand them over quickly... When the research is completed, they will be exchanged for you..."

The people did not obey.

But the soldiers violently confiscated them.

Chapter 478: The raging fire that cannot be suppressed, the sages are the great thieves of Sumeru

Look at the gathered scriptures.

The people dared to be angry but dared not speak out.

There is anger in everyone's heart.

The knowledge of the past was managed by these people.

Nowadays, scriptures obtained at very low prices are also violently confiscated.

Does this allow people to live?

The scholars who were collecting the scriptures all showed fear when they saw this scene.

Because of those eyes that looked like enemies.

I wish I could burn them all.

I wish I could kill them.

This was the first time the soldiers had seen this kind of look.

Even when fighting mercenaries.

This has never been the case.

Mercenaries are the remnants of the former desert who were unwilling to join the country of Xumi, thus becoming mercenaries.

Different from the treasure stealing group.

This is a group of people who enjoy war.

Who is willing to spend mola.

For whom they sacrifice their lives.

This is the existence of mercenaries.

In fact, due to the influence of Meru scholars, the soldiers of this country are not good at fighting at all.

Therefore, mercenaries exist.

This is also a normal phenomenon.

This scene happened everywhere today.

Originally it was near the Sumeru Temple.

People looked at the confiscated scriptures.

Basically, they are in a state where they dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

However, after the news was passed on.

Other places had different ideas.

What on earth is the Xumi Order Academy doing?

Was what they did really right?

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