Buddhist scriptures are scriptures that lead people to do good and contain great wisdom.

Seized by those soldiers.

Why take it away?

Does it also need to be managed?

Separate classes.

Only people of certain classes can read Buddhist scriptures more and more.

This idea spread.

Everyone was shocked.

Because no one thought of it.

The thoughts of the Xumi Order are actually so vicious.

The next morning.

A piece of bad news came from the Xumi Order.

"It's not good...Sages, the soldiers have rebelled..."

"What did you say? What's going on...Is it the fault of the Liyue people?"

"No...the soldiers all said that their parents disowned them at home, and were even driven away when they returned. They said they were demons from hell who did not distinguish between right and wrong...

And the soldier who caused the death of the previous sage.


"What's wrong with the other party? Didn't I tell him to apologize..."

"Reporting to the Great Sage... that person escaped, and... the angry people discovered during the search that the other person was a spy from the Solstice Kingdom.

Nickname: Cobra. "

Hear these words.

The great sage's eyes darkened.

I almost fainted.

Why is this happening.

He just wanted to collect the Buddhist scriptures and see Liyue's reaction.

Who would have thought it would turn out like this.

"The Great Sage..."

"Great Sage...are you okay?"

"Excuse me...how is the situation outside now?"

"Reporting to the Great Sage... the people are very angry. The number of people who came to the Academy today is less than one-tenth of yesterday's, and even many students are skeptical about this.

A large number of people demanded the return of Buddhist scriptures.

And threatened.

Sumeru are free and should not be prevented from studying Buddhist scriptures.

The knowledge within is public.

It is to make people do good... We do this... Some people even wonder if we do this... to enslave those people with knowledge. "

".¨Spurting people with blood!!!"

The Great Sage couldn't help shouting angrily.

However, seeing him like this.

Even his subordinates dare not flatter him.

Because, over the years...the policies pursued by the sages.

There are some such suspicions.

Suppress the rainforest faction.

Suppress the Grass God.

The reputation of the Xumi Order Academy can be said to be... resounding throughout the world.

But...this is the situation now.

It's really not optimistic.

After the great sage calmed down, he said to the servant: "Let the announcement go... We have no intention of enslaving the people of Sumeru. As for those Buddhist scriptures...

We just want to verify the authenticity inside.

Only what is approved by us is real knowledge... As for the soldier's problem, let me know... The Xumi Order does not know the inside story.

This is the conspiracy of the Solstice Kingdom.

And that Buddhist scripture.

For the time being, it shows that there is no big problem..."


The soldier ran out quickly.

After the order is conveyed.

The people in the city had cold eyes.

His eyes were full of distrust.

Feeling the terrifying gaze, the soldier did not dare to stay any longer.

He quickly chose to leave.

As for other places.

It's more disdain.

"Buddhist scriptures are so profound that the great sage can't believe it... Okay, why don't you explain what the meaning of this scripture is?"

"It's not because I'm afraid that the people will rebel that I chose to surrender. It turns out that the great sage is just like this... The so-called wisdom is actually just to fool us."

"That's it. Collecting knowledge and not letting the people learn... is simply the biggest conspiracy. No wonder the people of Liyue were so angry last time...

As a neutral country.

Hook up with Solstice's spy.

There was a problem this time and you actually said you didn't know about it?

So as long as there is a problem, can we just say we don’t know and solve it? This is the soldier captain of our Sumeru country.

The other party turned out to be a spy from the Winter Kingdom.

Can you believe it?

Our soldiers have been infiltrated by Solstice...what a ridiculous thing.

The great sage also said that this and that soldier's problem.

oh? Then I would like to know... Usually, the people who manage soldiers are sages.

What happens now has nothing to do with them?

Who can believe this..."

People are always like this.

Ignorance can lead to deception.

But when someone is willing to be the spark of wisdom.

Everyone knows it too.

It turns out that those sages.

That's all.

They are indeed very intelligent.

It's a pity that the wisdom is used in the wrong place.

Soldiers were infiltrated.

Use knowledge to enslave ordinary people.

There is no consideration for Xumi as a whole.

If there are thieves in this world.

Then the great sages are the biggest thieves.

Because they stole the hope and future of Xumi Country.

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