When the door to the world is completely secure.

Su Han walked in first.

Across the world.

Everyone came to another world.

There are lush green woods nearby, as well as some flowers and plants.

The scenery is very good.

When other people came over, they couldn't help but admire it.

"The scenery is so beautiful..."

"Yeah, the world looks pretty good... How about we go camping later?"

"Let's confirm the world first, Su Han... have you seen the system message? What is the world this time..."

"The news has been confirmed. This is the world of fox demons, something Gan Yu once visited."

Su Han looked at the panel provided by the Zhutian Task Group.

Said slowly.

[Ding... Congratulations on opening a dimensional door, and the world is completely permanent. 】

[Ding... The current world is a four-star difficult world: the fox demon world. 】

[Tip: There are many monsters in this world, please be careful...]

The world of fox demons.

Gan Yu once performed a mission here.

And Su Han obtained the pure Yangyan, the demon-destroying divine fire.

Since then, it has been a success.

Unexpectedly, I came to such a world.

Yae Shenzi next to him brightened up and said with a smile: "Hehe... this world is so fun, there are so many monsters... and there are many Taoist priests to torture.

Let's... have a good time this time. "

"Before that, I think we should build a barracks first. Surround this place heavily and then..."

The condensed light dispelled Yae Shenzi's bad taste.

Remind her what she should do now.

Just crossed over.

Naturally, you have to stand firm first.

Then you can station troops here while accepting monsters and humans from this world.

You can even replicate the template of Inuyasha's world.

The population of this world.

Herbal medicine.

Even moving everything to the world of Teyvat.

Of course, those talents cannot be wasted.

I heard Su Han say before that there are many talented people in this world, including demons and Taoist priests.

Can't waste it.

Chapter 480 Not convinced? What I like most about Lei's movies is that he refuses to accept it and starts to plunder the world of fox monsters.

"That's good...you go explore the world, and how about I build a fortress with Sugar and others?"


Everyone has decided.

Take action one after another.

Ke Qing looked at Su Han, who was unwilling to explore the world, with some doubts.

The last time I went to Inuyasha's world.

The other party also behaved very positively.

Why are you so exhausted today?

However, Su Han, Sugar and others cooperated.

Still very fast.

Wood escape catalyzes trees.

And Sugar directed the soldiers who came to start building one after another.

Among them are several people who master the properties of rock.

Then start cutting the rock.

Prepare to build a huge fortress.

This will be their home in the future.

Naturally, we have to do it better.

On the other side, Yae Kamiko and others were exploring the world while admiring birds and flowers.

Suddenly, she remembered something with black lines on her head and said: "I almost forgot, which time in the fox demon world is this... We are not wandering around, are we?"

"Let me ask..."

Yura opened the mission group of the heavens and quickly got the answer.

At this point in time, Dongfang Huaizhu is not dead.

The time when the demon has not yet obtained the pure Yang Yan.

"If that's the case... there should be a fox demon's territory nearby, right?"


While everyone was discussing.

Suddenly there was an explosion in the distance.

Keli said angrily: "How can you bully a child...Try my special bomb...Take it, big bad guy...This time the bomb is even more terrifying than before."

Everyone's expressions changed.

He rushed over quickly.

Because they still want to conquer the world.

If it was blown up directly.

But it’s no longer fun.

When Yae Shenzi arrived, a bomb just hit the little fox in the distance.

"Kelly...why are you blowing up people?"

She glared at the sky.

The huge fox tail flapped quickly.

Just knock the bomb away.


There was a deafening explosion.

Nearby mountains and forests.

The fire disappeared directly.

But at this time, the fox demon standing on the ground was frightened.

If it weren't for that sister's help.

Maybe he will be gone.

The girl had a sore nose.

I cried straight away.

"Sister, someone is bullying Yaya..."

Maybe a huge explosion was heard.

Perhaps the girl's cry was very loud.

Only a few of them couldn't breathe.

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